Informationsecurity Report: Next Generation Endpoint: Hype or Hope?

Next Generation Endpoint: Hype or Hope?

For years, the attacker/defender relationship has resembled a game of leapfrog. Defensive approaches have largely addressed or mitigated the challenge at hand, solving the problem for a short time. Yet the bad guys are typically not burdened with the things that slow down defenders – politics, legality and ethics, for example. This has traditionally tipped the scales in favor of attackers, especially in terms of time. It can take years to develop defenses, but only days or weeks for attackers to learn how to evade them. In the world of endpoint security and antivirus, we’ve clearly seen this effect in play with the need to shift away from using signatures as the primary method for malware prevention.

No less than 37 new endpoint security products have emerged in the past five years, each claimed to address the changing landscape. This paper addresses the trends that have emerged to deal with malware challenges on the endpoint and presents customers with the information necessary to evaluate the right approach for their organization.

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