Average Ransom Payment Has Increased by 104% in Q4 2019

Ransomware families that belong to Ryuk and Sodinokibi are responsible for the huge rise in the ransom payments.In Q4 of 2019, 98% of companies had received a working decryptor tool for the ransom paid.With the increase in ransomware attacks, the average ransom payment has risen to 104% in the fourth quarter of 2019. A report from Coveware reveals that the ransomware attackers had collected an average of around $84,000 from victim organizations in the Q4 of 2019 when compared to $41,198 in Q3 of 2019. Ransomware families that belong to Ryuk and Sodinokibi are responsible for the huge rise in the ransom payments. These ransomware operators have moved into the large enterprise space and are focusing their attacks on large companies where they can attempt to extort the organization for a seven-figure payout.



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