Network Threat Detection

JMP Securities Recognizes Contrast Security as an Elite 80 Cybersecurity Company

Contrast Security
Contrast Security announced that it has been recognized for the fourth year to the JMP Securities Elite 80, a list of the hottest, most fascinating, most strategically positioned privately-owned cybersecurity and IT infrastructure firms. The eighth annual JMP Securities Elite 80 study includes not just technological industry leaders but also the future giants of the cybersecurity and IT infrastructure industries.

Contrast was recognized as an Elite 80 company for its Contrast Secure Code Platform, accelerating innovation speed. It moves secure code across the application development pipeline and constantly safeguards applications throughout the entire software lifecycle. As a result, Contrast is relied upon by many of the world's foremost corporate and public companies to secure their apps in development and extend protection to the cloud and on-premises applications in production.

"Being named a JMP Elite 80 company for the fourth consecutive year is validation that our technology is very unique and in high demand. Our platform provides actionable findings that developers can use to find code vulnerabilities, remediate them quickly and then ship business critical software that is safe from ongoing cyber attacks."

Alan Naumann, Chief Executive Officer at Contrast Security

The JMP Elite 80 report states, "One clear data point validating our thesis that now is the time for new vendors to emerge is the funding environment, as venture capital and private equity investors dramatically stepped up their investing in 2021. More specifically, the companies in our Elite 80 report raised almost $7 billion in 2021, whereas the Elite 80 raised $3 billion in 2020, which was the prior record. Those vendors that are astute enough to recognize the opportunity at hand and that can capitalize on differentiated technologies not only position themselves to survive the pandemic but are in position to become dominant market leaders."

It is time to cease distributing software with significant security flaws. The Contrast Protect Code Platform provides 10x quicker scan times, 3x more accurate results, and 45x faster defect resolution, enabling developers to secure their code as they write it.


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