Malware Has Evolved

Like the poor in the famous Biblical verse, malware will always be with us. Here's a 33-year history from Elk Cloner to Cryptolocker. What will be next? Only six years after the first personal computer was introduced in 1975, the world was introduced to its first computer virus. Here’s a look back at the inception of malware.



At Netsurit, our people come first – before clients and before profits. Over the years we have learned that great talent in the IT industry doesn't just want the opportunity to do great work, they also want to lead a balanced life. We provide our people with the opportunity for both through our Dreams Program, which is the foundation of our unique company culture.

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Cybersecurity: main and emerging threats in 2021

Infographic | January 27, 2022

The progress of digital transformation has inevitably led to new cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular by targeting organisations and companies working remotely. Parliament has adopted its position on a new EU directive that reflects how cybersecurity threats have evolved and introduces harmonised measures across the EU, including on the protection of essential sectors.

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IT Audit-IT Security Infographic

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Cyber security has become a prevalent issue facing most organizations—one that companies recognize as an enterprise-wide issue requiring thoughtful attention. Investments in controls are necessary to protect organizations from increasingly sophisticated and widely available attack methods. Intentional attacks, breaches and incidents can have damaging consequences.

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Alarming Cyber Security Stats to Know in 2022

Infographic | June 29, 2022

Attackers use multiple tactics to get access to your credentials and among those phishing is the most commonly used method. Every 9 out of 10 cyber-attacks start with a phishing email and end up costing millions of dollars to the organizations.

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Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Infographic | May 25, 2021

Small businesses often ignore security precautions. Sometimes it’s due to a lack of resources, other times it’s because they think hackers won’t care. On the contrary, 58% of all malware attacks are targeted at small businesses, because hackers know there is no proper security in place.

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Who is behind cyber attacks?

Infographic | January 2, 2020

Regardless of the size or type of organisation you work for, it's important to understand why you might be vulnerable to cyber attack, and how to defend yourself. The advice summarised below is applicable to your working life and your home life. You should also familiarise yourself with any cyber security policies and practices that your organisation has already put in place.

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10 Tips to Protect Your Data

Infographic | July 30, 2021

When making an online purchase, or creating an account online, it is tempting to save banking details and passwords for the sake of convenience. But a data leak from even one of these sources could cost you.

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At Netsurit, our people come first – before clients and before profits. Over the years we have learned that great talent in the IT industry doesn't just want the opportunity to do great work, they also want to lead a balanced life. We provide our people with the opportunity for both through our Dreams Program, which is the foundation of our unique company culture.
