While network security experts disagree on when the first Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack occurred, it is generally conceded that the most visible series of attacks occurred in February of 2000 when Internet giants Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, E-trade and others were attacked intermittently over a period of several days. The Yankee Group estimated the total cumulative costs of these attacks at $1.2 Billion U.S. Dollars, and it was later discovered that the attacks were conducted by a 15-year old Canadian teenager using the alias “Mafiaboy”. The teenager had crafted the series of attacks using several publicly available hacker tools.


MazeBolt Technologies

MazeBolt’s Threat Assessment Platform (TAP) validates an organization’s cyber security posture through automated and ongoing threat assessment. The TAP is the only platform that covers all main cyber security attack vectors providing organizations with actionable insights into and control of:Their DDoS mitigation posture.

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The Ransomware Threat

whitePaper | December 22, 2022

Ransomware continues to be among the most critical risks facing organizations of all sizes. Attackers have perfected techniques and business models that will pose a challenge to even the best prepared organizations. While the encryption of a high volume of computers on a network can potentially be mitigated by adequate backups, ransomware actors have discovered new avenues of extortion, such as threatening to release data stolen prior to encryption. While ransomware attacks are time consuming to perform, ransomware actors have managed to achieve scale through the introduction of “ransomware-as-a-service” operations, renting out their tools and infrastructure to other attackers in exchange for a cut of the profits.

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Threat Connect Cyber Survey Report

whitePaper | January 4, 2022

Whether you are in financial services, farming, or public infrastructure, the security threat to organizations has never been greater. Today, almost every company is a technology company in some shape or form and this can be a soft underbelly - open to attack. Cyber risk is the fastest-growing risk faced by businesses globally. A wide range of statistics and sources make it clear that attackers have become even more proficient over recent years, using automation to exploit vulnerabilities at an accelerated pace and frequency. Threats are even more widespread and complex than before.

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Data Services Cloud Console Security Guide

whitePaper | March 2, 2023

Cloud-based management from Hewlett Packard Enterprise offers many advantages for both data infrastructure and the data itself. Data Services Cloud Console (DSCC) is the HPE cloud-based application for current and future data and storage management.

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Apple Platform Security

whitePaper | May 26, 2022

Apple designs security into the core of its platforms. Building on the experience of creating the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, Apple has created security architectures that address the unique requirements of mobile, watch, desktop, and home.

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Guide to Cloud Security Posture Management Tools

whitePaper | June 16, 2023

Good cloud security hygiene starts with complete visibility into the security and compliance posture of every resource you deploy into your cloud. It’s one thing to achieve this visibility in a single cloud environment—you can lean heavily on the native monitoring and auditing tools of your cloud provider, using third-party solutions to fill in gaps (e.g., threat detection)—but in a multi-cloud architecture, maintaining robust cloud security posture becomes exponentially more complex. It is much more difficult to achieve centralized visibility as well as consistently enforce policies and compliance rules within a multi-cloud environment. It’s also more complicated to detect threats and fix vulnerabilities quickly due to the sheer complexity of threats across distributed, multilayered architectures. You can address these challenges, though—and you need to, if you want to take advantage of multi-cloud architecture without compromising on security.

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Protecting Against Sophisticated Bot Attacks

whitePaper | November 18, 2022

Bot-generated attacks have risen in visibility, and defending against these attacks is now a priority for most organizations. Yet challenges persist in accurately identifying bot traffic; protecting a distributed, heterogeneous application environment from these attacks; and minimizing the impact to legitimate users while doing so. To address these issues, intelligent protection against sophisticated bots is a necessity. This should include strong analytics coupled with human expertise, a frictionless user experience, and consistent coverage across different architectures and platforms. F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense, built on Google Cloud, supports these requirements and can help prevent fraud and abuse against public-facing web applications.

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MazeBolt Technologies

MazeBolt’s Threat Assessment Platform (TAP) validates an organization’s cyber security posture through automated and ongoing threat assessment. The TAP is the only platform that covers all main cyber security attack vectors providing organizations with actionable insights into and control of:Their DDoS mitigation posture.
