Data Security, Platform Security

Security, privacy, and compliance with Illumina Connected Analytics

August 23, 2022

Security, privacy, and compliance with Illumina Connected Analytics
Advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have dramatically increased the amount of data generated, creating challenges in data analysis and interpretation. Illumina Connected Analytics (ICA) is a secure genomic data platform to operationalize informatics and drive scientific insights. ICA provides an extensible platform with a rich set of RESTful application program interfaces (APIs) and a command-line interface (CLI) tool to maximize workflow efficiency.


Cyber Security Forum Initiative

The Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Omaha, NE and in Washington DC with a mission "to provide Cyber Warfare awareness, guidance, and security solutions through collaboration, education, volunteer work, and training to assist the US Government, US Military, Commercial Interests, and International Partners." CSFI was born out of the collaboration of dozens of experts, and today CSFI is comprised of a large community of nearly 18000 Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare professionals from the government, military, private sector, and academia. Our amazing members are the core of all of our activities, and it is for them that we are pushing forward our mission. CSFI is founded on 3 main pillars supporting our mission: Collaboration, Knowledge-Sharing, and Training/Education. Our collaboration efforts have helped to break down stovepipes and "closed networks" that exists inside government and industry to enable greater information sharing and

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Recommended Criteria for Cybersecurity Labeling of Consumer Software

whitePaper | February 4, 2022

Software is an integral part of life for the modern consumer. Nevertheless, most consumers take for granted and are unaware of the software upon which many products and services rely. From the consumer’s perspective, the very notion of what constitutes software may even be unclear. While enabling many benefits to consumers, that software that is, software normally used for personal, family, or household purposes can also have cybersecurity flaws or vulnerabilities which can directly affect safety, property, and productivity.

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Systemic Cybersecurity Risk and role of the Global Community: Managing the Unmanageable

whitePaper | November 29, 2022

In February 2022, a cyberattack on commercial satellite services in Ukraine caused electricitygenerating wind farms to shut down across Central Europe. In July 2021, supermarkets in Sweden were forced to close their doors after a cyberattack on an IT services provider based in Florida, USA.

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Protecting Against Sophisticated Bot Attacks

whitePaper | November 18, 2022

Bot-generated attacks have risen in visibility, and defending against these attacks is now a priority for most organizations. Yet challenges persist in accurately identifying bot traffic; protecting a distributed, heterogeneous application environment from these attacks; and minimizing the impact to legitimate users while doing so. To address these issues, intelligent protection against sophisticated bots is a necessity. This should include strong analytics coupled with human expertise, a frictionless user experience, and consistent coverage across different architectures and platforms. F5 Distributed Cloud Bot Defense, built on Google Cloud, supports these requirements and can help prevent fraud and abuse against public-facing web applications.

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Addressing The New Threat in Modern It Infrastructures

whitePaper | December 29, 2022

Data has become a new global currency. As with other currencies, it has also become a target for threats from those who wish to exploit its value. Ransomware is the new threat to data and it’s wreaking havoc on businesses of all sizes around the world. Until recently, if you ask an IT organization to describe typical causes for service outages they would most likely mention network failures, power failures, hardware failures, user error, etc. In today’s world, we can add ransomware to that list.

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NMS Security Architecture Considerations & Approaches

whitePaper | August 26, 2022

The SolarWinds compromise became public in December 2020 and was a massive wake up to the industry. Likely a state-sponsored attack, it compromised potentially thousands of governments and other high-profile organisations across the globe. Many organisations are currently in damage control following the breach. Many of them are unsure if the perpetrators have entered, spread and are still persistent within their environment - even after they shut down the SolarWinds Platforms.

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Upchain Security Whitepaper

whitePaper | October 26, 2022

Upchain is a cloud-based product data management and product lifecycle management software that offers benefits of PDM/PLM through web browsers, APIs, CAD and Microsoft Office plugins, while securely processing customer data in the cloud.

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Cyber Security Forum Initiative

The Cyber Security Forum Initiative (CSFI) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Omaha, NE and in Washington DC with a mission "to provide Cyber Warfare awareness, guidance, and security solutions through collaboration, education, volunteer work, and training to assist the US Government, US Military, Commercial Interests, and International Partners." CSFI was born out of the collaboration of dozens of experts, and today CSFI is comprised of a large community of nearly 18000 Cyber Security and Cyber Warfare professionals from the government, military, private sector, and academia. Our amazing members are the core of all of our activities, and it is for them that we are pushing forward our mission. CSFI is founded on 3 main pillars supporting our mission: Collaboration, Knowledge-Sharing, and Training/Education. Our collaboration efforts have helped to break down stovepipes and "closed networks" that exists inside government and industry to enable greater information sharing and
