How this Pharmaceuticals Company Consolidated Their Security Tools and Established Better Visibility into its Security Environment with Difenda

How this Pharmaceuticals Company Consolidated Their Security Tools and Established Better Visibility into its Security Environment with Difenda


In 2018, a large manufacturing organization experienced a ransomware attack resulting in a material security breach. The incident highlighted the need for a comprehensive cybersecurity program with greater visibility.

The challenge was to implement a solution that was easy to manage and cost-effective while ensuring their sensitive data remained secure. Additionally, they needed to do this as quickly as possible in order to renew cyber liability insurance.
  • Increased visibility in the environment
  • Reduced response time by 68%
  • Reduced Cybersecurity Incident Rate (critical alerts) from 2500 to 3 a month
  • Renewed cyber liability insurance in next cycle
  • Achieved a 60% cost reduction
  • Maximized Microsoft investment

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