Ensuring Security Value through Outcome-based MDR

Ensuring Security Value through Outcome-based MDR


Managed detection and response (MDR) solutions identify active threats across an organization and then respond to eliminate, investigate, or contain them.  MDR has increased in visibility and importance as organizations realize that no level of investment will provide 100% protection against threats and as the scale and complexity of the security challenge becomes intractable for individual organizations, regardless of size.

Join us for this interactive panel discussion, where security experts will seek to reach consensus on:
The best measures for MDR success.
The most meaningful criteria organizations should use when considering MDR adoption.

This comprehensive discussion will also touch on the managed detection and response of vulnerabilities, threats, attacks, and breaches, as outcomes delivered “Left of Boom” AND outcomes derived “Right of Boom,” like disrupted attacks and contained infections.  These outcomes are commonly recognized as pressing cybersecurity priorities, and the panelists will highlight why they have been impossible to realize through product- and capabilities-focused security investments.
Speakers :
Aaron Sherrill, Senior Analyst
451 Research
Jack Danahy, SVP, Strategy and Security and Chief Evangelist
Alert Logic
Jonathan LaCour, Chief Technology Officer

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