What to ask the Vendor with an IPv6 Ready Claim

IPv6 Forum, the worldwide consortium of leading Internet vendors, Research & Education Networks, has helped the end customer by improving the market and user awareness of IPv6, creating a high quality and secure Next Generation Internet, allowing world-wide equitable access to knowledge and technology, embracing a moral responsibility to the world.



Appgate is the secure access company. We empower how people work and connect by providing solutions purpose-built on Zero Trust security principles. This people-defined security approach enables fast, simple and secure connections from any device and location to workloads across any IT infrastructure in cloud, on-premises and hybrid environments. These include Appgate SDP, an industry-leading Zero Trust Network (ZTNA) solution; a consumer access suite of Risk-Based Authentication and Digital Threat Protection capabilities; and the company’s Threat Advisory range of offense-oriented software and adversary simulation services.

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Is Cyber Security Meeting Today’s Intensifying Challenges?

whitePaper | September 22, 2022

Cybersecurity has always been critical, but it’s taken on new urgency today. Cyberattacks have escalated in intensity and volume. At the same time, IT is experiencing the pressing challenges of a technology modernization revolution. Driving this tech revolution are remote work environments, a skills shortage and unprecedented growth in cloud deployments. These developments bring increasing requirements to proactively secure environments, deflect risks and rapidly respond to cyberattacks.

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Adobe Operational Security Overview

whitePaper | December 30, 2022

With a cloud footprint that includes public and private clouds across different providers, the Adobe® multi-cloud strategy requires consistent and repeatable guardrails that are readily available to our product and service teams. To that end, our dedicated operational security team focuses on securing cloud resources at scale and helping ensure the safety and security of customer applications and data within our continually evolving cloud infrastructure operations.

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whitePaper | May 21, 2021

Critical infrastructure owners and operators have managed industrial risk for hundreds of years. This risk is usually measured in impact to health, safety, and reliability. As these industrial systems become increasingly digitized, so does the risk. What were once seen as isolated, manual processes have become reliant on communication networks and digital devices.

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Closing the Human Error Gap in Cybersecurity

whitePaper | June 23, 2023

The increasing reliance on digital technology has made cybersecurity a critical concern for organizations worldwide. While technological advancements have provided businesses with unprecedented opportunities, they have also exposed them to a myriad of cyber threats. In this context, human error has emerged as a significant vulnerability. While an overwhelming majority of the human error related wrong decisions are unintentional, they can happen to anyone. This whitepaper aims to provide a comprehensive approach to closing the human error gap in cybersecurity, focusing on both cybersecurity awareness training and proactive security measures that minimize the need for users to be cyber smart.

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File Upload Security: The Missing Category for a Comprehensive Security Posture

whitePaper | December 15, 2022

Applications are the backbone of modern business and must be protected. Yet, most organizations have an underserved attack vector — malicious files uploaded to their custom business applications. If internal, external, or third-party files contain malware, they pose a large risk as they traverse through an organization and are stored in local or cloud repositories. Public file sharing platforms are another area where malicious file uploads can cause widespread damage.

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Cloud-native security practicesin IBM Cloud

whitePaper | December 15, 2019

IBM Cloud™ is IBM’s high-performing public cloud platform, with data centers around the world that deliver cloud computing options from infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) to software as a service (SaaS). Security is a fundamental design principle for our cloud platform with market-leading security capabilities enabled for regulatory workloads.

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Appgate is the secure access company. We empower how people work and connect by providing solutions purpose-built on Zero Trust security principles. This people-defined security approach enables fast, simple and secure connections from any device and location to workloads across any IT infrastructure in cloud, on-premises and hybrid environments. These include Appgate SDP, an industry-leading Zero Trust Network (ZTNA) solution; a consumer access suite of Risk-Based Authentication and Digital Threat Protection capabilities; and the company’s Threat Advisory range of offense-oriented software and adversary simulation services.
