Data Security, Enterprise Identity

The Cyber Resilience Index: Advancing Organizational Cyber Resilience

June 28, 2022

The Cyber Resilience Index: Advancing Organizational Cyber Resilience
The World Economic Forum Centre for Cybersecurity – in collaboration with the Cyber Resilience Index working group and in partnership with Accenture – developed the global Cyber Resilience Index (CRI). The CRI provides public- and private-sector cyber leaders with a common framework of best practice for true cyber resilience, a mechanism to measure organizational performance, and clear language to communicate value.


Deep Instinct

Deep Instinct is the first company to apply deep learning to cybersecurity. Deep learning is inspired by the brain’s ability to learn. Once a brain learns to identify an object, its identification becomes second nature. Similarly, as Deep Instinct’s artificial brain learns to detect any type of cyber threat, its prediction capabilities become instinctive. As a result, zero-day and APT attacks are detected and prevented in real-time with unmatched accuracy. Deep Instinct brings a completely new approach to cybersecurity that is proactive and predictive. Deep Instinct provides comprehensive defense that is designed to protect against the most evasive unknown malware in real-time, across an organization’s endpoints, servers, and mobile devices. Deep learning’s capabilities of identifying malware from any data source results in comprehensive protection on any device, any platform, and operating system.

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XDR vs. SIEM: A Cybersecurity Leader’s Guide

whitePaper | December 27, 2022

As threats intensify and SecOps teams are called upon to defend digital environments that keep growing in size and complexity, and with a defensible perimeter that has all but disappeared, cybersecurity vendors are responding with a new generation of software and service solutions.

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AI Security White Paper

whitePaper | January 23, 2020

With the accumulation of big data, dramatic improvements in computing power, and continuous innovation in Machine Learning (ML) methods, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as image recognition, voice recognition, and natural language processing have become ubiquitous. Meanwhile, AI poses a significant impact on computer security: on the one hand, AI can be used to build defensive systems such as malware and network attack detection; on the other hand, AI might be exploited to launch more effective attacks.

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API Security: Best Practices for Vulnerability Mitigation

whitePaper | June 6, 2023

API Security: Best Practices for Vulnerability Mitigation provides a hands-on approach to mitigate security vulnerabilities in APIs. The paper emphasizes the importance of implementing security measures that protect the API and underlying infrastructure. The paper identifies various security vulnerabilities that can arise in APIs and provides detailed guidelines for securing them. These guidelines cover authentication, authorization, input validation, output encoding, error handling, logging, and auditing.

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The Ethics and Security of Cloud Computing

whitePaper | October 17, 2022

Nearly four thousand years ago, Hammurabi engraved the laws of Babylon onto a stone plinth and revolutionized the codication of law. Today, lawyers of all walks of life are engaged in a new revolution, with the ability to practice law armed with nothing more than a tablet device and an internet browser—a revolution brought about, in large part, by the rise of cloud computing.

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whitePaper | May 21, 2021

Critical infrastructure owners and operators have managed industrial risk for hundreds of years. This risk is usually measured in impact to health, safety, and reliability. As these industrial systems become increasingly digitized, so does the risk. What were once seen as isolated, manual processes have become reliant on communication networks and digital devices.

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The Trusted Data Security Solution for Cyber Recovery

whitePaper | December 30, 2022

Digital transformation has brought significant benefits to organizations, including increased agility and flexibility, but it has also led to a rise in cyber attack vectors. 66% of organizations were hit with ransomware within the last year, according to a 2022 Sophos survey. The widespread adoption of cloud services and Software-as-aService (SaaS) applications has expanded the attack surface, making it more challenging to manage and secure data. Additionally, the increased use of mobile devices and remote work have made it easier for cybercriminals to launch attacks from anywhere, at any time.

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Deep Instinct

Deep Instinct is the first company to apply deep learning to cybersecurity. Deep learning is inspired by the brain’s ability to learn. Once a brain learns to identify an object, its identification becomes second nature. Similarly, as Deep Instinct’s artificial brain learns to detect any type of cyber threat, its prediction capabilities become instinctive. As a result, zero-day and APT attacks are detected and prevented in real-time with unmatched accuracy. Deep Instinct brings a completely new approach to cybersecurity that is proactive and predictive. Deep Instinct provides comprehensive defense that is designed to protect against the most evasive unknown malware in real-time, across an organization’s endpoints, servers, and mobile devices. Deep learning’s capabilities of identifying malware from any data source results in comprehensive protection on any device, any platform, and operating system.
