2022 CISO Compensation Benchmark Report

2022 CISO Compensation Benchmark Report


Market and economic instability over the past year has added pressures on the CISO role, both in terms of hitting cyber objectives and in building out security teams. Concerns over retaliatory Russian cyberattacks, large-scale exploitations of vulnerabilities and increasing global ransom ware threats, coupled with inflation and talent shortages, have strengthened CISOs’ position at the salary negotiation table.

Our third annual CISO Compensation study, jointly fielded with Artico Search, offers objective insights and comprehensive compensation data from over 500 CISOs across the U.S. and Canada.

Download a summary version of our benchmark study to find key compensation information, including:
  • A market overview of total annual CISO compensation
  • Comparisons of CISO compensation across key industries
  • Variances in the distribution of CISO compensation across the U.S. and Canada
  • Drivers behind increases in CISO compensation

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