No business can afford to be apathetic with cybersecurity. Cybersecurity awareness in businesses- it is high time for businesses to focus on this as the number of online frauds targeting corporates and other businesses to make easy money is increasing. As technology evolves, these online criminals invent new ways to get into accounts and steal sensitive data. No doubt that if businesses are not focusing on an effective
cybersecurity strategy, it will jeopardize your businesses. Sadly and alarmingly, many are not aware of it, including corporates, or take it seriously.
In simple terms, cybersecurity awareness is the understanding of what cyber threats are, what impact they can make on a business, and the steps to reduce the risk and prevent online crime. This cybersecurity awareness will make your employees work safely and run your business hassle-free.
Phishing, viruses, malware, worms, trojans, spams, etc., are some of the cyber threats a business can undergo. Need not say what impact these threats will bring to your business! It will create a lot of damage to your business; even the reputation and brand image can be lost. It can also devastate your business as a whole, and you may have to start from the beginning. How will you start again if you have invested all earnings in your business, which is devastated due to the
How can you promote cybersecurity awareness at your work premises and among your employees? Read further to get insights and protect your business.
Promoting Cybersecurity Awareness in businesses
A simple mistake from any of your employees can be an opportunity for online fraud to get into your business and steal sensitive data. Moreover, this human error is the most significant factor in significant cybersecurity breaches. This can be due to the employee not being aware of it and its consequences. Indeed, you cannot blame the employees if they are ignorant of it. Therefore, as an employer, the ball is in your court.
Thus, promoting awareness of cybersecurity risks is a need of the hour for corporates and even for other small businesses. Go further to get some tips on how to promote cybersecurity awareness in your business.
Not Just the Job of IT Department
To maintain cybersecurity, you have to take every employee of your business onboard. Therefore, the cybersecurity strategy you develop should be inclusive of every employee in your organization. In addition, all departments promote better cyber awareness, including human resources, legal,
marketing, sales, and finance.
Therefore, the cybersecurity awareness efforts are simply a job of the entire organization and not just the responsibility of the IT team. Therefore, your success lies where you successfully involve every employee under the IT team's leadership.
In an
interview of Media 7 with Anjali Gugle, Security Architect and Officer, CX Cloud Platform Security at Cisco, she said,
“Security is everybody’s responsibility. Because of that, it spans over different roles and responsibilities. In most cases, security is often an afterthought in the development lifecycle. We have embraced the "Shift left” approach to enterprise security with centralized policy management in cloud-based management. This enables deriving valuable security insights and continuous security monitoring as different security services come under one roof.”
Anjali Gugle, Security Architect and Officer, CX Cloud Platform Security at Cisco
Educate Yourself and Your Employees
Your business needs to educate your employees about the probable cyber threats your business can face. Cybersecurity awareness programs will be in vain if you and your employees are not aware of the possible cyber security threats your business can face. This will make them recognize and get away from the most common threats the businesses face, including phishing emails, other traditional fishing attacks, ransomware, malware, and malicious social media links. You can also make them aware of the recent cyber-attacks in the business world and their losses.
This knowledge is vital to any cybersecurity awareness efforts. Moreover, you cannot teach your employees unless you are aware of it.
Awareness Programs
As part of generating cybersecurity awareness in businesses, you can also conduct various cybersecurity awareness programs for your employees. For example, you can have the below methods as part of your cybersecurity programs.
Cybersecurity quizzes
Displaying cybersecurity posters at prominent places
Sharing occasional cybersecurity updates and tips
Showing interesting and entertaining cybersecurity videos
This will inculcate a sense of
cybersecurity awareness in their minds. Moreover, this awareness will make them think twice before they take any action online.
Regular Cybersecurity Audits
The cybersecurity requirements of each company can be different. The success of cybersecurity awareness programs, policies, and safety measures depends upon how they serve the needs of the organizations. Therefore, solutions that best meet the particular cybersecurity demands of the company should be implemented in companies. Business owners and managers have to focus on ensuring this.
Regular cybersecurity audits will give you a picture of what requirements you have at present. It also will evaluate how effective your present policies are. This way, the company can formulate new protocols to protect your company.
Summing UP
Compromising with cybersecurity will devastate your business. Therefore, IT professionals should have the skills related to cybersecurity, while other employees need to have cybersecurity awareness. Cybersecurity awareness comprises knowledge of possible threats, their impacts, and measures to protect your business.
Businesses can have various awareness programs to educate employees to be aware of the threats and increase awareness. Also, have to audit regularly the policies in your company to check their effectiveness.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is cybersecurity awareness in businesses so important?
When the employees in a company are aware of the possible cybersecurity threats, they are likely to refrain from suspicious activities. This is because they know the impact of cyber-attack on business.
How can a company raise cybersecurity awareness among employees?
The company can make the employees aware of cybersecurity threats by educating them on recent attacks and their impacts. Moreover, the company can also educate the employees regarding the possible threats a particular company can have.