In Defense of Maturity-based Approaches for Cyber Security

This interesting piece from McKinsey made me think and deserves some comments: “The risk-based approach to cybersecurity”. The risk-based approach itself which it promotes has solid foundations, and in fact is nothing new. Actually, it echoes in many ways the model we – at Corix Partners – have been developing and delivering with clients and associates for the past 10 years .But I don��t think it makes sense – or indeed helps the industry move forward – to oppose maturity-based approaches and risk-based approaches. And the characterization of maturity-based models as “a dog that had its day” is frankly excessive. The assumption that risk-based approaches are somehow more advanced than maturity-based ones, and represent an “evolution” of cyber security practices is highly disputable, and the quantification of maturity-based approaches as leading to over-engineering and over-spending by a factor 3 compared to risk-based approaches is simply misleading (a foot note actually refers to the costs mentioned as “illustrative and extrapolated from real-world examples and estimates”).


Reducing the operational risks of IT/OT connectivity entails a different number of challenges, like building threat detection capabilities for OT environment without causing operational risks, or understanding security events, their impact on OT environments and focus on what really matters. Adding to this, the general lack of r


Reducing the operational risks of IT/OT connectivity entails a different number of challenges, like building threat detection capabilities for OT environment without causing operational risks, or understanding security events, their impact on OT environments and focus on what really matters. Adding to this, the general lack of r

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