Focus on Open Source Compliance and Security During Legal Transactions

Focus on Open Source Compliance and Security During Legal Transactions


Data points to the fact that companies have difficulty managing third-party open source within their software code bases, leading to compliance, IP, and security risk. These risks are often amplified in legal transactions and can impact “go”/”no go” decisions if not addressed throughout the legal process.

Join Leon Schwartz, Associate at GTC Law Group, and Amy Chun, Partner at Knobbe Martens, for an Open Source Central webinar. Leon and Amy will role-play both the buy-side and sell-side of a typical M&A transaction and discuss the ins and outs of:
  • Open source software and licensing complexities
  • Types of open source risk and how to navigate them in the contest of transactions
  • The part open source plays during the various phases of a transaction, from pre-LOI to diligence to agreement negotiation to post-signing and close

While transaction events create opportunities for both buyers and sellers, they also present challenges. Learn how to raise the level of open source awareness and management to ultimately enhance the decision-making process.
Speakers :
Amy Chun
Knobbe Martens
Leon Schwartz
GTC Law Group

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