Cyber Crime and security

From U.S. government and credit card hacks to breaking into Xbox passwords, every year more and more accounts of cyber crimes are occurring leaving the everyday internet user a little hesitant about where they visit in cyberspace. And this unfortunate trend seems to be rising. According to recent cyber crime statistics, approximately 75 million scam emails are sent every day claiming 2,000 victims. While some of these malware attacks can be avoided by following simple tips and tricks while online, other attacks are becoming more specific and targeted using personal details to gain access to your information. But no need to fear – even with this rising concern you can still take a proactive step to better protect your computer. Check out the following infographic to learn how you can reduce your risk of falling victim to a cyber attack.



Home of SNOW, the most powerful defence against advanced cyber threats. Using proprietary tools and technology, the SNOW platform is able to detect and destroy malicious cyber threats who seek financial and/or reputational damage against public and private organizations.

Other Infographics
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Cyber Security Safety Infographic

Infographic | November 29, 2021

There is an absolute need for cyber security. The key difference, however, is that there are some organizations who have more than enough resources and the latest technology to protect themselves against attacks while others don't even know about the existence of a threat. That's where a statistical infographic comes in to serve as a guide. It educates people about the current cyber security landscape and what needs to be done in order to protect their assets.

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Alarming Cyber Security Stats to Know in 2022

Infographic | June 29, 2022

Attackers use multiple tactics to get access to your credentials and among those phishing is the most commonly used method. Every 9 out of 10 cyber-attacks start with a phishing email and end up costing millions of dollars to the organizations.

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Almost half of companies say cybersecurity readiness has improved in the past year

Infographic | December 16, 2019

Mobile and IoT-connected devices present special security risks that many companies are still figuring out how to mitigate. ZDNet's sister site, Tech Pro Research, recently polled IT professionals about the state of cybersecurity in their workplaces. Most seemed to feel that cyberthreats were relatively well controlled. The majority of respondents said their company's cybersecurity readiness was average or above, and most said it had improved in the past year.

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Navigating the cyber security marketplace

Infographic | January 1, 2020

Infographic showing the interactions of the certified cyber security products and services and how they could help you safeguard your systems PUBLISHED Trusted security products and services certified by the National Cyber Security Centre can help reduce vulnerability to cyber attack.

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Application Security: Paving the Way to Counter Emerging Cyberthreats

Infographic | June 23, 2023

Uncover essential strategies and techniques for application security and empower businesses to protect their digital assets and fortify digital defenses against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

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Cybersecurity in Retail Infographic

Infographic | February 15, 2020

77% of consumers believe that cybersecurity and data privacy is the 3rd most important factor when selecting a retailer, even outranking discounts and brand reputation. Percentage of consumers considering the following factors as one of the top five criteria while selecting their primary retailer. Percentage of consumers considering the following factors as one of the top five criteria while selecting their primary retailer.

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Home of SNOW, the most powerful defence against advanced cyber threats. Using proprietary tools and technology, the SNOW platform is able to detect and destroy malicious cyber threats who seek financial and/or reputational damage against public and private organizations.
