Platform Security

Cybersecurity Statistics for 2022

June 10, 2022

Cybersecurity Statistics for 2022
If you work in the private sector (and provided you don’t live under a rock) you probably already know that cybercrime is a serious problem.

A dastardly cybercriminal can expose finances, compromise customer information, and bring businesses to a halt. Skilled hackers are always finding creative ways to execute data breaches, setting a constant arms race into motion — cybersecurity professionals against cybercriminals.


Competitive Innovations, Llc

Competitive Innovations (CI) is a solution provider to government and industry. Headquartered in Virginia, we serve customers with mission critical security and citizen service knowledge worker requirements. Our solutions hinge on your requirements for mission support, management, and secure high integrity web-based solutions. CI is a small business concern with operations in U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Historically Underutilized Business Zone ("HUBZone") locations (Greater Boston, Massachusetts and Northern Virginia - National Capital Region).

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Competitive Innovations, Llc

Competitive Innovations (CI) is a solution provider to government and industry. Headquartered in Virginia, we serve customers with mission critical security and citizen service knowledge worker requirements. Our solutions hinge on your requirements for mission support, management, and secure high integrity web-based solutions. CI is a small business concern with operations in U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Historically Underutilized Business Zone ("HUBZone") locations (Greater Boston, Massachusetts and Northern Virginia - National Capital Region).
