August 4, 2015

HOW CAN YOU PREVENT A RANSOMWARE ATTACK? Ransomware is the digital version of extortion. It’s as simple as that. It uses age-old tactics to carry out a modern-day crime, but the elements behind it are as old as human criminal activity itself. BACK UP YOUR FILES REGULARLY. The only way to ensure that you can immediately handle a ransomware attack is to implement a regular backup schedule so that your company can get access to the files it needs without dealing with the cybercriminals.


Epoch, Inc.

Epoch Inc. is a managed service provider, or outsourced IT company. We provide our clients with a comprehensive and holistic approach to solving business and technology challenges. We implement a creative technology and business strategy to enable your organization’s goals. We help clients achieve business results through effective IT management and process solutions. Our focus and success are based on excellent customer service and having an open, honest, business relationship with our clients. We believe the services and solutions we provide will serve you well, now and into the future.

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Infographic | January 28, 2020

With everyone in the family using the internet to engage in social media, adjust the home thermostat or shop for the latest connected toy, it is vital to make certain that the entire household — including children and older adults — learn to use the internet safely and responsibility.

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Infographic | January 16, 2020

It seems counterintuitive that cybercriminals would focus on small businesses. Major news outlets report on the largest incidents, which typically affect the largest companies. In the past, small businesses may have been able to neglect network security with little consequence, but this is not the case today. Small businesses generally have fewer IT resources and devote less time and money to cybersecurity than their larger counterparts.

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Cyber Security What Makes a Strong Password

Infographic | December 1, 2019

The frustration of a forgotten password can be just too much to bear. Why not go with “Charles 15” or “my password”? because cybercrime is so prevalent. If you want your bank account to still have your money in the morning, you’d better strengthen your password.

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Almost half of companies say cybersecurity readiness has improved in the past year

Infographic | December 16, 2019

Mobile and IoT-connected devices present special security risks that many companies are still figuring out how to mitigate. ZDNet's sister site, Tech Pro Research, recently polled IT professionals about the state of cybersecurity in their workplaces. Most seemed to feel that cyberthreats were relatively well controlled. The majority of respondents said their company's cybersecurity readiness was average or above, and most said it had improved in the past year.

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Application Security: Paving the Way to Counter Emerging Cyberthreats

Infographic | June 23, 2023

Uncover essential strategies and techniques for application security and empower businesses to protect their digital assets and fortify digital defenses against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

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Is your Cybersecurity fit for the future?

Infographic | January 28, 2020

A multi-layered approach works together to not only provide EDR capabilities but also to deliver the strong data and cybersecurity that the NHS aspires to. This is proactive cybersecurity protection that is fit for the future.

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Epoch, Inc.

Epoch Inc. is a managed service provider, or outsourced IT company. We provide our clients with a comprehensive and holistic approach to solving business and technology challenges. We implement a creative technology and business strategy to enable your organization’s goals. We help clients achieve business results through effective IT management and process solutions. Our focus and success are based on excellent customer service and having an open, honest, business relationship with our clients. We believe the services and solutions we provide will serve you well, now and into the future.
