Keeping the SiteGround Herd Safe

July 17, 2019

A Black Sheep in the Herd A single hacked account threatening the security of the whole server.  IDEALLY, A WEB SERVER LOOKS LIKE THIS: FULL OF GOOD AND HAPPY SHEEP..00PS, ACCOUNTS. SiteGround uses a unique chroot mechanis to isolate each account in its own directory. Thus, even if there is a single account with a security flaw, it couldn't affect the others on the server.


Living Security

Founded in 2017, Living Security’s mission is to help prevent cybersecurity breaches with a human risk management solution that does more than meet compliance needs, it also truly changes behavior. Living Security believes empowering people is the key to ending cybersecurity breaches - picking up where traditional security awareness training drops off. Gamified learning and immersive experiences engage and educate users, while the science-backed, tech-enabled platform uniquely provides CISOs the ability to measure training efficacy and program ROI.

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Cybersecurity: main and emerging threats in 2021

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What is phishing? How this cyber attack works and how to prevent it

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Phishing is a cyber attack that uses disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need — a request from their bank, for instance, or a note from someone in their company — and to click a link or download an attachment. What really distinguishes phishing is the form the message takes: the attackers masquerade as a trusted entity of some kind, often a real or plausibly real person, or a company the victim might do business with. It's one of the oldest types of cyberattacks, dating back to the 1990s, and it's still one of the most widespread and pernicious, with phishing messages and techniques becoming increasingly sophisticated.

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Living Security

Founded in 2017, Living Security’s mission is to help prevent cybersecurity breaches with a human risk management solution that does more than meet compliance needs, it also truly changes behavior. Living Security believes empowering people is the key to ending cybersecurity breaches - picking up where traditional security awareness training drops off. Gamified learning and immersive experiences engage and educate users, while the science-backed, tech-enabled platform uniquely provides CISOs the ability to measure training efficacy and program ROI.
