Data breaches have become one of the most serious threats to any business, with cyber criminals on the prowl 24 hours a day. If your firm is not on top of IT security, you never know who might be able to infiltrate your information systems and steal your firm’s (and your clients’) sensitive information. Check out numbers that illustrate this menacing risk to your firm. The FBI’S CYBER DIVISION issued a Private Industry Notification in March 2016, warning of technically proficient hackers seeking to gain sustained access to the networks of multiple international law firms.



SECLAB is the only one providing a physical airlock system which segregates domains. From the observation that software security only is inadequate for critical systems, SECLAB has developped solutions based on an in-depth defense approach implemented in electronics that protects against sophisticated cyber attacks by design.

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SECLAB is the only one providing a physical airlock system which segregates domains. From the observation that software security only is inadequate for critical systems, SECLAB has developped solutions based on an in-depth defense approach implemented in electronics that protects against sophisticated cyber attacks by design.
