August 20, 2019

Phishing attacks always start with a scheme to trick consumers into thinking they are doing business with a company or organization that they already trust. Hackers create websites that impersonate financial institutions and then steal sensitive information such as credit card and banking data that consumers openly share. Phishing attacks are extremely costly for consumers and banks – both monetarily and reputationally. A phishing attack greatly damages trust and brand reputations.


Managed Security Solutions Ltd

Managed Security Solutions Ltd. (MSS) is a long established IT organisation specialising in IT Security and the security of data. We have been providing best-of-breed solutions to all industry sectors for over 10 years and have a large spectrum of capabilities and offerings.,

Other Infographics
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List of Cyber Attacks May 2021

Infographic | June 11, 2021

Do you know what is the most problematic element of cyber security? Yes, it is the constantly evolving nature of cyber attacks. A cyber attack refers to an attack executed from a computer against a computer system or individual computer that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability (CIA) of the information stored on it.

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Cybersecurity Statistics for 2022

Infographic | June 10, 2022

If you work in the private sector (and provided you don’t live under a rock) you probably already know that cybercrime is a serious problem. A dastardly cybercriminal can expose finances, compromise customer information, and bring businesses to a halt. Skilled hackers are always finding creative ways to execute data breaches, setting a constant arms race into motion — cybersecurity professionals against cybercriminals.

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Cyber attack infographic

Infographic | December 25, 2019

Are businesses today doing enough to succeed in the battle against cyber security threats and are the traditional methods they are using the most effective?

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Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Infographic | May 25, 2021

Small businesses often ignore security precautions. Sometimes it’s due to a lack of resources, other times it’s because they think hackers won’t care. On the contrary, 58% of all malware attacks are targeted at small businesses, because hackers know there is no proper security in place.

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DDoS Mitigation: Pushing Business’ Cybersecurity to New Heights

Infographic | April 17, 2023

DDoS mitigation is paramount for businesses to protect against the growing threat of DDoS attacks. Learn about the ever increasing threat of DDoS attacks, the potential impact on businesses, and mitigation techniques to safeguard against them.

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Who is behind cyber attacks?

Infographic | January 2, 2020

Regardless of the size or type of organisation you work for, it's important to understand why you might be vulnerable to cyber attack, and how to defend yourself. The advice summarised below is applicable to your working life and your home life. You should also familiarise yourself with any cyber security policies and practices that your organisation has already put in place.

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Managed Security Solutions Ltd

Managed Security Solutions Ltd. (MSS) is a long established IT organisation specialising in IT Security and the security of data. We have been providing best-of-breed solutions to all industry sectors for over 10 years and have a large spectrum of capabilities and offerings.,
