The truth about Data Breaches

May 13, 2019

Solitaire report: Breaches lead to lost customers. 18.6x Regaining a customer post-breach costs 18.6 times more than it did to gain them initially.1. 78% of customers would not automatically return to a business after a breach.1. 95% see attempting to cover up a breach as a sign of disrespect.1.


Clearcom It Solutions, Inc.

ClearCom was created to fill the gap between having a technical support company and understanding your business, therefore; striving to be your technology partner, not just a technical support company. Our goal is to deliver excellence in the latest network technologies and provide proactive professional customer service.

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List of Cyber Attacks May 2021

Infographic | June 11, 2021

Do you know what is the most problematic element of cyber security? Yes, it is the constantly evolving nature of cyber attacks. A cyber attack refers to an attack executed from a computer against a computer system or individual computer that compromises the confidentiality, integrity, or availability (CIA) of the information stored on it.

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10 Tips to Protect Your Data

Infographic | July 30, 2021

When making an online purchase, or creating an account online, it is tempting to save banking details and passwords for the sake of convenience. But a data leak from even one of these sources could cost you.

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Infographic | January 21, 2020

In 2018, cybersecurity and regulation figure prominently among top trends and priorities, increasing in frequency for the 1,400+ executives we interviewed across 10 industries. CGI can provide a discussion of all available benchmarking from our interview data, including each client’s positioning on topics such as IT satisfaction, IT budgets, innovation investments, digital maturity and more.

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The future of cybersecurity in a digital world

Infographic | February 2, 2020

Data-driven technologies change the way the world works. And the more connected devices flourish, the more cybersecurity matters. There are more digitally connected devices than ever before—and the world is just getting started.

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Alarming Cyber Security Stats to Know in 2022

Infographic | June 29, 2022

Attackers use multiple tactics to get access to your credentials and among those phishing is the most commonly used method. Every 9 out of 10 cyber-attacks start with a phishing email and end up costing millions of dollars to the organizations.

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Cybersecurity: main and emerging threats in 2021

Infographic | January 27, 2022

The progress of digital transformation has inevitably led to new cybersecurity threats. Cybercriminals take advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic, in particular by targeting organisations and companies working remotely. Parliament has adopted its position on a new EU directive that reflects how cybersecurity threats have evolved and introduces harmonised measures across the EU, including on the protection of essential sectors.

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Clearcom It Solutions, Inc.

ClearCom was created to fill the gap between having a technical support company and understanding your business, therefore; striving to be your technology partner, not just a technical support company. Our goal is to deliver excellence in the latest network technologies and provide proactive professional customer service.
