11 Ways to Defeat Two-Factor Authentication

Everyone knows that two-factor authentication (2FA) is more secure than a simple login name and password, but too many people think that 2FA is a perfect, unhackable solution. It isn't! Join Roger A. Grimes, KnowBe4's Data-Driven Defense Evangelist, and security expert with over 30-years experience, for this webinar where he will explore 11 ways hackers can and do get around your favorite 2FA solution. The webinar includes a (pre-filmed) hacking demo by KnowBe4's Chief Hacking Officer Kevin Mitnick, and real-life successful examples of every attack type. It will end by telling you how to better defend your 2FA solution so that you get maximum benefit and security.
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The digital transformation enables business to uncover tremendous new business potentials and to be proof for the future - but it also means that networks which have not been designed for it are connected with each other. For many security teams this means that they need to build a security program for an environment which is un


Changing the Entire Paradigm to Cybersecurity

Most cybersecurity protections are based on looking for threats. The problem is, malware is evolving at an alarming rate and threat detection solutions, antivirus and EDR can no longer keep up. ThreatLocker CEO, Danny Jenkins will explain how he’s changing the entire approach and paradigm to cybersecurity with a clean and comprehensive approach to ensuring ransomware does not end up in your environment.
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If Cybersecurity Professionals were represented by an Emoji, which one would we be?


Two seasoned cybersecurity professionals will discuss the breadth of cybersecurity in today's financial institutions, how this critical defence function operates, and what attributes a cybersecurity professional might need, to be successful in this field. They will also explore some of the recent major cybersecurity incidents from around the globe, and then talk about cybersecurity within HSBC itself.
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Through the Hacker’s Eyes: Detecting Attacks on Fully Patched Windows Machines


To successfully stop hackers, you need to understand them; how their minds work, what their goals are, and which techniques they use to break through your defenses. In this special edition of QRadar’s Under the Radar technical demo series, NA Security Architect and QRadar expert Jose Bravo will demonstrate first hand the sophisticated ways in which hackers today compromise Windows systems, even when they are fully patched and have antivirus deployments. He will then walk through how QRadar is able to detect these SIE technology-evading attacks, keeping your most vital data safe from unwanted eyes.
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Moving Beyond Blindspots: How to Reduce Security Risks in the Cloud

Understanding your complex cloud environment is tricky. Workloads, containers, and serverless functions are added and removed constantly. Vulnerabilities are endless. Security staff is in short supply. But here’s the reality: cloud security is built in incremental steps. And process improvement involves multiple stakeholders — not just security teams.
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The digital transformation enables business to uncover tremendous new business potentials and to be proof for the future - but it also means that networks which have not been designed for it are connected with each other. For many security teams this means that they need to build a security program for an environment which is un
