Addressing a Key Challenge in Network Security – ZERO DOWNTIME

One of the top CIO challenges is to maintain 100% uptime. Access to applications, data, and resources on the network is mission-critical for every organization. Downtime costs can be high and in various forms - loss of revenue and productivity, the cost of recovery and other intangible costs, such as damage to their reputation and brand value. Downtime is simply unacceptable. Hence, security for that network must be highly available and not cause any performance degradation of the network - in migration, deployment or through human error.
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IDaaS: Your Identity Fabric. Connecting Every User to Every Service, Seamlessly


Workforce mobility, rapidly changing business models and business partnerships contribute to a trend where businesses must be able to seamlessly enable access for everyone, to every digital service. These services might be public cloud, they might be web applications with or without support for federation standards, they might be solely backend services accessed via APIs, or even legacy applications exposed only via some sort of middleware. However, agility in the digital journey mandates that IT can provide seamless access to all these services while keeping in control and enforcing security. Identity as a Service offering, whether deployed from a public or hybrid cloud, can take a central role, by acting as the common fabric connecting all the users and all the services. Such services include support for adaptive authentication, auditing features, broad federation services, authorization capabilities, and various capabilities.
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The Future of Phishing: It’s all about your customers


While current anti-phishing solutions usually cover basic entry-level phishing scams using reactive inside-the-firewall defenses, a billion of potential variations of sophisticated phishing scams are already being planned and executed everywhere on the internet, entirely undisturbed, evading most current detection tools. Todays phishing attacks are no longer performed by scruffy hoodie covered villains, but by sophisticated, risk-calculating, online marketing experts who take social engineering to new heights. By constantly using A/B testing to improve their technology with each attack, they know how to tell a convincing story that would trick even the savviest users, causing irreversible reputational and financial damages to brands worldwide.
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OT & IoT Security Case Studies to Ensure Reliable Cyber Resilience

Uptime, disruption-free operations, and availability are important considerations for any OT and IoT security plan. Knowing the threats and ways to mitigate them is only half the battle. The other half involves aligning technology, assets, and knowledge base to secure the entire length and breadth of your business and its digital footprint.
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Intelligent API Cybersecurity, Is Your Agency Protected?


As government agencies move towards digital transformation, Cyber threats are getting smarter, using social engineering, brute force methods, and even artificial intelligence (AI) to bypass common defenses to gain access to these critical systems and data. To help protect Federal Agencies against an ever-diversifying landscape of cybersecurity threats, Axway and Ping Identity have formed a global partnership to deliver a comprehensive Application program Interface (API) security solution that optimizes security at all levels, from network to application.
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