Cut Your Cybersecurity Risk with an Industry-Leading Password Safe

Cut Your Cybersecurity Risk with an Industry-Leading Password Safe
While compromised passwords remain the top cause of breaches and attacks, working from home and leveraging new tools has resulted in an explosion of new, decentralized employee passwords outside of the enterprise applications onboarded to your identity and privileged access management program. This shadow IT creates significant cybersecurity risk for your company with hundreds of employee passwords, secrets, and files shared in chats and texts, stored in spreadsheets, and saved on sticky notes. Or worse, passwords are reused across personal and corporate accounts on the internet.
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Industry 4.0 is transforming the manufacturing and industrial landscape by integrating advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. While these innovations provide immense benefits, they also ramp up the risk of cyberattacks due to increased connectivity and a lar


Threat Hunting—A Practical Demonstration


Today it is almost considered negligent to wait for an alert from IDS/IPS, firewalls, NAC, and endpoint security products before taking action. For years some of us who ha e been in the industry for a while have engaged in operations where we go out into the environment and actively look for threats to hand off to the IR team to eradicate. Enter the world of threat hunting. We will side step any product marketing and dig deep into what threat hunting actually is. The second half of this webinar will consist of demo of some technical threat hunting operations that anyone can practice sharpening their hunt skills.
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3 Steps to Combat Ransomware in K-12 and Public Sector

The recent cyber attack on Los Angeles Unified School District is not unique. Public schools and universities are targets for ransomware, that can cripple your infrastructure and expose sensitive data. Not having proper security is a risk you can’t afford. But with tight budgets and limited personnel, finding the right security can be an uphill battle.
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GigaOm Radar Report: API Security – Deep Dive

GigaOm Analyst, Don MacVittie recently studied the state of the API Security market, industry trends, and innovative solutions to address the growing API security challenges and recommended an approach a responsible enterprise could take to secure this new landscape.
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Introduction to Kubernetes Security


Kubernetes is fundamentally a complex system with lots of different potential attack vectors aimed at data theft, currency mining and other threats. Liz Rice, a renowned technology evangelist, will take us through an overview of the current state of security-related features in Kubernetes, and offer directional starting points on how to secure Kubernetes components and the applications that run on top of these Kubernetes components. Brice Fernandes, software engineer and entrepreneur at Weaveworks, will then demonstrate how you can build a secure and reliable Kubernetes deployment pipeline with GitOps best practices, separating the responsibility between packaging software and releasing it to a production environment.
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Industry 4.0 is transforming the manufacturing and industrial landscape by integrating advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and cloud computing. While these innovations provide immense benefits, they also ramp up the risk of cyberattacks due to increased connectivity and a lar
