Cybersecurity checklist essentials for accounting firms

Cybersecurity checklist essentials for accounting firms
Did you know that security is consistently listed as one of the AICPA’s top technology concerns? And did you know that security breaches most often happen due to human error? 

What can you do to mitigate cyberthreats and keep sensitive information secure in your firm?
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The Latest on Ransomware

Trend Micro

Ransomware has wreaked havoc on many organizations, causing financial losses, reputation damage, temporary or permanent loss of sensitive or proprietary information, and the list goes on. And as if that isn’t enough, the actors behind this threat have constantly changed their tactics and who they target—making security that much trickier.
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Stage 3 – Management: The third layer of your cyber-defense-in-depth strategy

When it comes to larger or more complex organizations, managing cyber security risks requires a more intensive approach than implementing basic security protection. Embedding risk-based security controls, managing the security of supply chains, and carrying out regular audits are some of the many measures an organization may need to take to manage and reduce risk.
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Key considerations for SaaS security and performance

Companies are turning to Software as a Service (SaaS) to ease their cloud transformation and increase agility. According to a Bettercloud survey, 73% of all companies say that nearly all of their apps will be SaaS by 2020. SaaS offers speed to market, great functionality, and lower IT operating costs. However, it can also create
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Global Survey of Cybersecurity Leaders: Benchmarking Security Gaps & Privileged Access

Learn from your industry peers’ journeys to protecting privileged identities, stages of privilege access security, what they have achieved so far, and how to get the most value out of your cybersecurity investment. More than 2000 IT security leaders around the world shared their insights to create this research study. The broad reach of this study provides an opportunity to compare the PAM-related activities and attitudes of IT security practitioners with varying levels of responsibility, in different countries, industries, and companies of all sizes.
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