Database Surveillance and Protection: 3 Ways to Stop Hackers

Data thieves are opportunistic, looking for unprotected databases in the forgotten digital corners of your company. They are content to steal any data that lies within easy reach. Large companies are especially vulnerable. With hundreds or even thousands of databases spread throughout business units and across multiple geographies, it is only a matter of time until your unprotected data is accessed and stolen. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be complicated, tedious or expensive to protect all of your sensitive data with a database monitoring solution. The right database monitoring solution can also provide visibility into data usage and simplify compliance audits. Join us for this webinar to learn: •Benefits of database monitoring over native audit tools •Factors to consider before investing in database audit and protection •3 specific ways to leverage database monitoring for improved security
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After updatein The Expanding Attack Surface: 5 Tips to Manage Third-Party Risk


As organizations increase their reliance on third-party vendors for outsourced solutions, they expand their attack surface. Today’s digital environment offers tremendous opportunities for modern organizations. At the same time, there is more risk. Vulnerabilities and infections plague organizations around the globe — and their numbers continue to rise. The tips discussed in this webinar will help you start managing third-party risk to centralize your program and get a preliminary perspective of the risks you face. Once this foundation is established, you can build on it and shift to a more proactive approach to managing third-party risk — and limiting your exposure.
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What's Your DNS Security Risk? Insights from Recent Ponemon Survey

Vanguard Group

Have you ever done an assessment on how secure your DNS infrastructure is? Ponemon Institute has recently completed the first DNS Security Risk Survey among global organizations to understand how secure they are when it comes to malware and data exfiltration that uses DNS. The survey also provides insights into: The level of visibility these organizations have, especially in today’s complex network deployments. Their use of threat intelligence and the effectiveness of threat intelligence. The efficiency of their security operations.
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Social media and email phishing: How to protect financial information from fraudsters

Channel Futures

Email phishing remains a top security threat. Even smart and savvy people are fooled everyday by these malicious emails. They’re even harder to spot now that bad actors use information from social media to personalize their attacks against your customers and your business. In this webinar, Brian Wickenhauser, Mastercard’s Vice President of Security Events Management, will share examples of phishing attempts, how to spot them, ways to combat them and tips for improved safety – all important information to add to your security training programs.
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Computational Thinking and Skills: A Foundation for STEM and Cybersecurity Education


Success in multiple industry sectors or any of the hundreds of new tech-heavy jobs emerging in the modern economy requires a core competency: computational thinking and skills. Computational thinking and skills extend beyond computer programming to include a larger set of knowledge and skills broadly captured by a wide swath of STEM disciplines, including cybersecurity. This webinar will explain why acquiring computational thinking and skills are important for STEM-related careers and how to incorporate and assess computational thinking and skills as part of cybersecurity education and training programs.
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