Ransomware: The Billion-dollar Innovation Industry

Since ransomware exploded on the scene, the bad guys are constantly coming out with new versions of ransomware strains to evade detection. Having earned a billion dollars in 2016, they have the resources to keep innovating and now ransomware is being leveraged in ways it has never been before.
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Ensuring Security Value through Outcome-based MDR

Managed detection and response (MDR) solutions identify active threats across an organization and then respond to eliminate, investigate, or contain them. MDR has increased in visibility and importance as organizations realize that no level of investment will provide 100% protection against threats and as the scale and complexit
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What Makes a Security Rating? Deep Dive Into Threat Data Feeds


Learn how threat data fits into security ratings. Cyber attacks and data breaches are a regular challenge for organizations and their cybersecurity practitioners today. The consequences for a company that falls victim to a hacking attack or other form of data breach can be significant, incurring both financial as well as reputational damage as a result. Measuring and determining the security posture of an organisation is essential to understand the liability and exposure to risk your business faces at any given moment, to reassure staff, shareholders, customers, insurers and suppliers.
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Workforce continuity and the Future of Work

For the past 30 years Citrix has helped organizations like yours embrace the ‘future of work.’ We know that the ‘future’ itself is a moving target and external forces can hamper business and the workforce. To minimize the risk of unforeseen events and foster enduring competitive advantage you will learn: What is business continu
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Getting started in digital forensics

InfoSec Institute

Digital forensics is the backbone of investigating cybercrime. It includes identifying, preserving, extracting, analyzing and reporting evidence across computers, mobile devices and networks. Join Keatron Evans, Infosec instructor and Managing Partner at KM Cyber Security, for this on-demand webinar as we discuss: The difference between computer, mobile and network forensics. How a forensics certification can progress your career.
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