Security and Governance in the Hybrid Multi-Cloud

Hybrid cloud solutions are hailed for their combination of scalability, agility and cost-efficiency of public cloud with the increased security and compliance of keeping sensitive data on-premises under your full control.  However, the responsibility for security is shared between the customer and the provider and, importantly, the need for overall governance and compliance with laws and regulations remains with the customer.
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Changing the Entire Paradigm to Cybersecurity

Most cybersecurity protections are based on looking for threats. The problem is, malware is evolving at an alarming rate and threat detection solutions, antivirus and EDR can no longer keep up. ThreatLocker CEO, Danny Jenkins will explain how he’s changing the entire approach and paradigm to cybersecurity with a clean and comprehensive approach to ensuring ransomware does not end up in your environment.
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How to Leverage Hacking Competitions as an Educational and Recruitment Tool


One of the most-heard complaints from security experts is that often they find their work repetitive ("The CFO's laptop has been compromised... again!"), which results in the desire of trying something "new", meaning "leave for another company." Another common complaint is that the work is very compartmentalized, and there are few occasions in which the various security specialists can enjoy working as a team. One activity that can help build a team while improving the security skills of the people involved is participating in Capture the Flag (CTF) hacking competitions. In 2003 at the University of California at Santa Barbara, one of the world's largest attack-defense CTF competitions began and has grown year-after-year, pushing the limits of the players and providing opportunities for better learning. In addition, hacking competitions are a great opportunity for recruiting new talent: CTF participants are highly skilled, well-motivated, and hard-working, which are great traits for a future employee.
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Cybersecurity knowledge gap not uniform across sectors


Workers in finance know more than workers in other industries about cubersecurity, according to a report from Proofpoint. After analyzing more than 100 million answers to cybersecurity questions from employees in 16 industries, Proofpoint found that finance workers answered 80% of questions correctly. Transportation and education sector workers had the least knowledge among the various sectors, answering 24% of questions correctly on average, Proofpoint determined.
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SurfWatch Labs

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