Stage 3 – Management: The third layer of your cyber-defense-in-depth strategy

Stage 3 – Management: The third layer of your cyber-defense
When it comes to larger or more complex organizations, managing cyber security risks requires a more intensive approach than implementing basic security protection.

Embedding risk-based security controls, managing the security of supply chains, and carrying out regular audits are some of the many measures an organization may need to take to manage and reduce risk.
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Advanced Threat Hunting & Incident Response with CB ThreatHunter

Carbon Black

Enterprise security teams struggle to get their hands on the endpoint data they need to investigate and proactively hunt for abnormal behavior. Security and IT professionals currently lack the ability to see beyond suspicious activity and need a way to dive deeper into the data to make their own judgments. Start leveraging unfiltered data to make the most of your threat hunt. CB ThreatHunter - on our Predictive Security Cloud - allows for just that. Join our webinar to learn about: Our best-of-breed threat hunting. How to utilize unfiltered data gathered from all protected endpoints.
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Zero Trust Security For Your Distributed Workforces

2020 has caught many businesses off guard. Users, data, devices, critical business applications and networks have left the office and become more distributed. This shift in the way we work & do business has resulted in companies losing visibility into what was happening in their corporate and their employees’ personal networks, devices, and applications. This shift has also seen several cybercriminals and sophisticated hacking groups rapidly adjusting their technique
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Solicita una demostración en vivo de Dynamics 365 Finance

Programa un tutorial individual en vivo para saber cómo Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance puede ayudar a todo el personal de tu organización a tomar decisiones inteligentes que mejoren los procesos e impulsen el crecimiento. En esta demostración personalizada, verás cómo Dynamics 365 te ofrece las herramientas para: Mejorar tu rend
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Security Industry Financials – A Closer Look


Equities performed exceptionally well in 2017 on the back of strong corporate earnings, lax monetary policy, and the passing of major tax reforms. Notwithstanding the strength seen for a majority of the year, 2018 has been off to a rocky start, with volatility seen in both the debt and equity markets. Mack explained that where we are with tax reform and the strength in the economy that the security industry will continue to see reasonable growth in the equity capital markets over the next several years.
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