"The Devil Steals Prada: The Cost of Business Logic Flaws"

"This presentation will demonstrate the value of manual business logic assessments and provide an example of a vulnerability that scanners cannot find because the problem isn’t in the code or framework.

We will provide a real life instance of a business logic flaw at a major high-end clothing retailer. The flaw allowed malicious users to purchase negative amounts of expensive merchandise, and credit thousands of dollars to their accounts. "
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Understanding The Role Of Software Bill Of Materials In Cybersecurity Readiness

Cybersecurity issues are top of mind across the open source community, and beyond. In response to the ongoing threat of cyber attacks, Linux Foundation Research, in partnership with SPDX, OpenChain, and OpenSSF, has conducted the first in a series of research projects to understand the challenges and opportunities for securing software supply chains. This soon-to-be-published report, The State of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) and Cybersecurity Readiness, will be released to coincide with this webinar.
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Key Insights Into Today's Risk Management Landscape


Today, cyber risk management affects organizations of all sizes across all industries. With data breaches on the rise and sensitive client information increasingly at risk, businesses need to elevate their existing risk management strategies to become more comprehensive. To proactively mitigate risk, organizations need to create a lasting risk management program that can scale with the growth of their business and sustain the changing risk landscape.
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Multilayered Security with HAProxy Enterprise

Did you know that an HAProxy Enterprise load balancer can protect your applications from common threats? In this webinar, we’ll give you an overview of the multilayered security solution provided by HAProxy Enterprise.
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Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges In Open Source Software: Expert Panel Livestream June 28, 2022

Open source software (OSS) has had a tremendous impact on the development and distribution of the software we depend on today. Through its collaborative and open way of both developing and sharing software components, OSS has served as a key engine for innovation and encouraged the widespread reuse and sharing of core software components. Organizations of all sizes are heavily reliant on software, and much of that software supply chain consists of open source software components. Because of this, open source software has cybersecurity implications.
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