The Future of Adaptive Authentication in Financial Services

The number of cyberattacks on financial institutions (FIs) cannot be overstated. In the past year, there have been more than one billion cyberattacks on financial institutions. That is three hundred times more than any other industry, such as retail, insurance, or healthcare. At an average cost of $18 million dollars for each successful attack, what are you to do? How do you combat this aggressively growing threat? In this webinar, OneSpan and ISMG will summarize key findings from a recent study that surveyed the state of adaptive authentication from over 150 FIs and what techniques can be taken to mitigate the increasing rate of cyberthreats.
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Reducing the operational risks of IT/OT connectivity entails a different number of challenges, like building threat detection capabilities for OT environment without causing operational risks, or understanding security events, their impact on OT environments and focus on what really matters. Adding to this, the general lack of r


The Value of Diversity and Inclusion for Law Departments

The recent Thomson Reuters/Acritas 2019 State of the Corporate Law Department report found that gender-diverse teams achieved significantly higher performance ratings, mirroring earlier research on corporate boards and teams in general. Similar results have been shown for other categories of diversity. The facts are clear: diver
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Computational Thinking and Skills: A Foundation for STEM and Cybersecurity Education


Success in multiple industry sectors or any of the hundreds of new tech-heavy jobs emerging in the modern economy requires a core competency: computational thinking and skills. Computational thinking and skills extend beyond computer programming to include a larger set of knowledge and skills broadly captured by a wide swath of STEM disciplines, including cybersecurity. This webinar will explain why acquiring computational thinking and skills are important for STEM-related careers and how to incorporate and assess computational thinking and skills as part of cybersecurity education and training programs.
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Becoming a Threat Hunter in Your Enterprise


For years, most IT security organizations have waited to detect new threats and then moved swiftly to defend against them. Today, however, there is a new wave of “threat hunting,” in which the security team takes a more proactive approach --seeking out potential threats before the attackers have a chance to act. How do enterprises build threat hunting programs? How do they staff them, and what tools do they need? What skills and training does a great threat hunter need? In this Dark Reading webinar, a top expert discusses the process for building a threat hunting program, and for optimizing the efforts of designated threat hunters in the organization.
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How to Establish Visibility, Governance and a Security Culture for Multi-Cloud

Dimension Data

Is cloud security your top priority, or it is languishing somewhere on a never-ending to do list? A user-driven cloud revolution has left IT and security professionals struggling to establish visibility of data and services, and unable to regain control of the risks associated with dispersed data and multiple cloud identities. So how should organizations regain control and begin putting the “frogs back into the box” for multi-cloud security? In this webinar, we will look at how to get ahead with cloud, build a ‘cloud culture’ into your business, underpinned by a platform approach to avoid further complicating the picture to get the most from the cloud, whilst also managing the challenges of data everywhere, multiple cloud identities, mobile connections and global compliance.
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Reducing the operational risks of IT/OT connectivity entails a different number of challenges, like building threat detection capabilities for OT environment without causing operational risks, or understanding security events, their impact on OT environments and focus on what really matters. Adding to this, the general lack of r
