The Future of Phishing: It’s all about your customers

While current anti-phishing solutions usually cover basic entry-level phishing scams using reactive inside-the-firewall defenses, a billion of potential variations of sophisticated phishing scams are already being planned and executed everywhere on the internet, entirely undisturbed, evading most current detection tools. Todays phishing attacks are no longer performed by scruffy hoodie covered villains, but by sophisticated, risk-calculating, online marketing experts who take social engineering to new heights. By constantly using A/B testing to improve their technology with each attack, they know how to tell a convincing story that would trick even the savviest users, causing irreversible reputational and financial damages to brands worldwide.
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The Security Navigator reflects first and foremost the reality of the conflictual nature of cyber warfare. It mirrors the disinhibition of threat actors motivated by state strategies or hacktivism as well as criminal opportunities. In this environment, espionage, sabotage, disinformation and extortion are becoming increasingly i


Why Use a Cloud Managed Service Provider?


If you’re about to embark on your cloud journey, the first decision you will need to make is whether to undertake the project in-house or outsource it to a Managed Service Provider (MSP). To help you make this important decision, we’ve recorded a free on-demand webinar. In twenty minutes, our CEO Mark Damm and Solutions Engineer Ray Jung, will walk you through the ways an MSP can help address your key cloud concerns.
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Industrial Cybersecurity: Is Your Facility Protected?

Just last year, cybercriminals attempted to poison the water supply in Florida by hacking into a city’s system. An airplane manufacturer’s confidential customer data files were breached and leaked on the Internet. A major gas pipeline was shut down by a ransomware attack. A major meat producer was forced to close down all its plants. Hackers are now targeting industrial and infrastructure. At the same time, more and more facilities are going to connected operations to empower new efficiencies. How do we keep our facilities protected amid these growing dangers and opportunities?
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API Security - Unlock the Secrets

Bank information security

The application programming interface (API) has become the basic building block of business allowing applications and software to talk and share data. APIs are the critical component for exchanging data between all types of entities. In this Webinar we'll break down how APIs are used and unlock the secrets to securing them. Highlights include: API Gateways are API Management tools not security; Providing audits & ensuring proper inspection on each transaction; Equipping every transaction for proper authentication and authorization.
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Privileged Password Management 101: Laying the Foundation for Success


InfoSec pros have their work cut out for them—with the need to secure an estimated 300 billion passwords by 2020. Privileged password management, in particular, is a pain point for almost every organization. Privileged credentials are often difficult to identify, challenging to tame and properly secure, and if done improperly, can be costly to manage. Without strong privileged password management processes and technology in place, your organization is ripe for all kinds of security breaches. In many industries, lack of the proper protections in place alone puts you at risk from legal and/or regulatory fallout.
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The Security Navigator reflects first and foremost the reality of the conflictual nature of cyber warfare. It mirrors the disinhibition of threat actors motivated by state strategies or hacktivism as well as criminal opportunities. In this environment, espionage, sabotage, disinformation and extortion are becoming increasingly i
