Software Security

CyCraft Technology announced that CyCraft JP has officially joined the Nippon CSIRT Association .

CyCraft Technology, the quickest developing network safety firm in Asia, today declared that CyCraft JP has authoritatively joined the Nippon CSIRT Association (NCA).

CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team, Computer Security Incident Response Team) alludes to a group of security investigators that not just arrangement with and react to network safety episodes, gather and examine occurrence related weakness knowledge, assault strategies, methods, and methodology (TTP) yet additionally plan playbooks and complete reactions to security occurrences.

Lately, Japanese associations have started building and building up their own personal inward CSIRTs; notwithstanding, cyberattacks in the 21st century are turning out to be increasingly complex and regular, making it increasingly more hard for one CSIRT to deal with independently. Nippon CSIRT Association (NCA) was set up to bring together the insight, assets, and ability of numerous CSIRTs with the goal that one CSIRT utilizing the knowledge, assets, and capacity of different CSIRTs could conquer security occurrences and increment Japan's general digital flexibility.

NCA isn't the principal CSIRT association CyCtaft has joined. Recently, CyCraft Taiwan joined the worldwide CSIRT association, FIRST (Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams). CyCraft Technology isn't simply dedicated to raising the strength of worldwide associations yet additionally dedicated to showing dependability, demonstrable skill, and precise and noteworthy danger insight, explicitly in the APAC market.

About CyCraft

CyCraft is a world-leading cybersecurity company and the fastest-growing cybersecurity company in Asia. They have developed multiple innovative AI-driven technologies to achieve security intelligent protection automation, such as threat intelligence gateway (TIG), network detection and response (NDR), endpoint protection(EPP), advanced and managed endpoint detection and response (EDR & MDR), and global cyber threat intelligence (CTI), all delivered via their information security monitoring platform, CyCraft AIR. They participated in the U.S. MITRE ATT&CK® Evaluations in 2019 and received top marks in automated detection capabilities with zero configuration changes.

CyCraft secures multiple government agencies, Fortune Global 500 firms, top banks and financial institutions, critical infrastructure, airlines, telecommunications, hi-tech firms, and SMEs. In Q1 2020, CyCraft won multiple gold awards in Cybersecurity Excellence Awards. In Q2 2020, US venture capital Momentum Cyber included CyCraft in the Advanced MSS & MDR and EDR sectors of their 2020 CYBERscape, and CyCraft won Best Security Solution of Interop Tokyo 2020.


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