Why IoT devices pose a bigger cybersecurity risk than most realize

Security risks are increasing as more and more people connect using IoT devices. I talked with Danny Palmer about the threat facing consumers and businesses, the following is an edited transcript of our interview. Danny: IoT devices are the new kid on the block when it comes to internet active products, and that goes back to 20 years to when people were first really connecting their computers, their desktops, their laptops to the internet. In many ways it feels as though we're at the same stage of IoT devices. A lot of people in their homes, a lot of organizations in their offices and other buildings are rushing in and applying these IoT devices to their network.  These can include things like monitors, sensors, some of them are everyday products like your kettle. These are providing benefits to employees and a lot of times they're saving costs, they're saving energy, and organizations really want to make efficiencies and make savings like that. But like every product on the internet, if it's not secured properly it can mean a way in for attackers, and unfortunately, many IoT devices are built with almost no security at all. If the device is discoverable on the internet, and it's connected to the rest of the network, it's an easy to use gateway for attackers


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