Trends In Process Improvement And Data Execution

Trends In Process Improvement And Data Execution


Process complexity is at an all-time high and is overwhelming companies. Employees are dealing with high process volumes and interconnectivity that make process visibility a real challenge. Although there are technologies that can provide greater visibility (e.g., process mining), few organizations are using them and discovering their potential.

Real-time insights are elusive and hamper execution. Given challenges with visibility, companies are struggling to gather real-time data to improve their processes. This means employees are tasked with making decisions and executing without insights and objective recommendations when they need them most

Organizations are failing to optimize processes, losing out on key opportunities. Companies are struggling to put objective, process-based data to use across key systems and processes. Meanwhile, automation has hardly proved a silver bullet, given the lack of process visibility necessary to deploy it effectively. Daily actions are suffering, leading to higher costs, greater inefficiencies and manual rework, and fewer business opportunities, such as improved customer satisfaction.

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