Upgrading Remote Access Security

Upgrading Remote Access Security


It’s no surprise that the far-reaching COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the teleworking trend that started over a decade ago. And while teleworking was already becoming commonplace, at its height, the pandemic pushed up to half of all American workers out of their office or workplace. While some professions will always require face-to-face interaction, the pandemic enlightened executives and management across many industries to the potential cost savings and other benefits that remote work options offer.

For employees, teleworking benefits include eliminating the time spent on daily commutes, especially in cities full of congested highways. It has also helped them better manage work and family time conflicts. These benefits are likely related to research that shows teleworking increases job satisfaction and improves retention—which, in turn, saves on hiring and training costs. And while teleworking doesn’t always guarantee productivity gains, for many, the potential cost savings and employee attraction is compelling. In addition, the remote model strengthened the viability of collaboration and access technologies.

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