Eset Latin America
Founded in 1992, ESET is a global security software solutions company providing state-of-the-art protection against cyber threats and headquartered in Bratislava, Slovakia, and Coordination in San Diego, United States; Buenos Aires, Argentina and Singapore. In 2012, the company is celebrating its 20 years in the information security industry. In addition, ESET currently has other offices in London (UK), Prague (Czech Republic), Krakow (Poland), Jena (Germany), San Pablo (Brazil) and Mexico DF (Mexico). Since 2004, ESET has been operating for the Latin America region in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where it has a team of professionals trained to respond to market demands in a concise and immediate manner and a Research Laboratory focused on the proactive discovery of various Threats. The interest and commitment in promoting the education of the users in computer security, understood as the best barrier of prevention before the increasingly sophisticated malware, is the pillar of the corpora