2018 Critical Infrastructure Risk Assessment

August 31, 2018

Parsons began this effort to explore the state of cybersecurity risk in critical infrastructure facilities with a simple question. The cyber threat has undoubtedly converged – both information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) environments are being attacked. But, to what degree have solutions to this two-pronged threat actually converged? Parsons is committed to shedding light on the stark differences between IT and OT cyber threats and implications. IT cyber-attacks are fundamentally tied to data, and the theft and nefarious use of stolen information.


Observable Networks Inc.

Observable Networks is an emerging leader of network security technology solutions that identify compromised and misused networked endpoints currently escaping detection by traditional network security tools. Observable’s endpoint modeling technology includes a cloud-based service platform that uses automated security analytics and real-time traffic sensors to continuously model all endpoints on networks of any size. Observable’s security solutions empower organizations to understand normal and abnormal endpoint behaviors in their networks, so they can identify potential threats and facilitate faster remediation.

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2022 Trends in Securing Digital Identities

whitePaper | August 22, 2022

Managing the ecosystem of identities accessing enterprise resources has only gotten more complicated during the past several years. Between the increasing number of identities, the challenges posed by phishing attacks, and the continued growth of cloud adoption, enterprises are under pressure to ensure the army of remote workers, contractors, and employees accessing network resources are doing so securely and successfully.

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Best Practices for Row Level Security with Entitlements Tables

whitePaper | September 16, 2022

Row Level Security (RLS) in Tableau refers to restricting the rows of data a certain user can see in a given workbook or data source at the time they view the data. It contrasts with permissions within Tableau Server (or Tableau Online), which are used to control access to content and feature functionality.

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Managing the IT Modernization Elephant A bite-sized approach to digital modernization

whitePaper | June 15, 2022

There’s an old saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” In some cases, the task of technology modernization is akin to eating an elephant. Government agencies are filled with legacy applications, many of which have been heavily customized over decades of operation.

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Upchain Security Whitepaper

whitePaper | October 26, 2022

Upchain is a cloud-based product data management and product lifecycle management software that offers benefits of PDM/PLM through web browsers, APIs, CAD and Microsoft Office plugins, while securely processing customer data in the cloud.

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AI Security White Paper

whitePaper | January 23, 2020

With the accumulation of big data, dramatic improvements in computing power, and continuous innovation in Machine Learning (ML) methods, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as image recognition, voice recognition, and natural language processing have become ubiquitous. Meanwhile, AI poses a significant impact on computer security: on the one hand, AI can be used to build defensive systems such as malware and network attack detection; on the other hand, AI might be exploited to launch more effective attacks.

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AWS Best Practices for DDoS Resiliency

whitePaper | December 5, 2019

You work to protect your business from the impact of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, as well as other cyberattacks. You want to keep your customers’ trust in your service by maintaining the availability and responsiveness of your application. And you want to avoid unnecessary direct costs when your infrastructure must scale in response to an attack.

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Observable Networks Inc.

Observable Networks is an emerging leader of network security technology solutions that identify compromised and misused networked endpoints currently escaping detection by traditional network security tools. Observable’s endpoint modeling technology includes a cloud-based service platform that uses automated security analytics and real-time traffic sensors to continuously model all endpoints on networks of any size. Observable’s security solutions empower organizations to understand normal and abnormal endpoint behaviors in their networks, so they can identify potential threats and facilitate faster remediation.
