Platform Security, Software Security, Cloud Security

2023 Hybrid Cloud Security Survey

June 26, 2023

2023 Hybrid Cloud Security Survey
While we are witnessing a modest slowdown in cloud migration due to rising costs and economic uncertainty, it remains that a multitude of organizations now have a hybrid infrastructure in place. According to Forrester analysts,1 this is deemed very much the norm and reports show 72 percent of organizations exist in the hybrid cloud.2 This is because enterprises will likely have paired their own data center/private cloud with one or more public clouds as a result of acquisition or to reap a number of benefits: Cisco, for example, identified 42 percent of organizations believe they achieve a more agile and scalable development environment within the hybrid cloud, alongside 40 percent who realize accelerated business agility and innovation.3


Cyberguard Technologies Limited

CyberGuard Technologies provides the very best in IT security for businesses across the UK looking for premium IT performance in a protected, secure environment. A cyber defence solution from CyberGuard will protect your business – your money, your identity, your data and your customers’ confidential information - from the potential devastation of an attack from cyber criminals.

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GBM Security Whitepaper

whitePaper | November 10, 2019

We are living in an era of digital disruption. Multiple industries are being disrupted, or fear being disrupted in the near future. Business models are evolving to cater to the dynamic markets and digital transformation that seems to be the answer to changing business models. Digital transformation is rapidly becoming a key priority in most industries, as organizations adapt to changing markets by leveraging technologies to build IT-centric business models. In general, organizations are using digital transformation to reach their goals of achieving greater agility, improving operational efficiency, improving customer experiences, and developing new revenue streams.

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2022 Cyber Security Report

whitePaper | July 25, 2022

The past twelve months represents one of the most turbulent and disruptive periods on record, at least as far as security is concerned. As governments and businesses around the world continued to navigate the uncharted waters of a global pandemic, the so-called “new normal” still felt a long way off. Digital transformation efforts were dramatically accelerated as businesses embraced hybrid and remote working arrangements, but the same questions around security maturity that plagued many businesses in 2020 persisted through 2021.

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Identity and Zero Trust: A Health-ISAC Guide for CISOS

whitePaper | August 25, 2022

These days, you can’t have a conversation about cybersecurity without talking about zero trust. The security concept requires that all individuals and devices on a network be continuously authenticated, authorized, and monitored. Gone are the days of letting someone in the front door, giving them a role with access privileges and then having them go about their merry way.

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Prevent Advanced Insider Threats With IBM Security Solutions

whitePaper | October 22, 2021

Are you confident that only the right people are getting access to your sensitive business assets? Organizations have to be concerned about privileged insiders compromising security and about outsiders posing as authorized users but who really aren't. Putting effective defenses into place, as a result, requires organizations to look both ways.

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Cyber Security State of Tech in 2022

whitePaper | August 4, 2022

The Coronavirus pandemic accelerated technology adoption in ways thought unimaginable just a few short years ago. But in the background and often without much fanfare, cybercrime grew far worse. Threat actors continued their work – often backed by millions of dollars from hostile foreign governments – to penetrate networks and wreak havoc on digital infrastructures

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Network Traffic Analysis (NTA): A Cybersecurity ‘Quick Win’

whitePaper | February 27, 2020

According to research from ESG and the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), 91% of cybersecurity professionals believe that most organizations are either extremely or somewhat vulnerable to a significant cyber-attack or data breach.1 This level of cyber-risk demands immediate attention and action from CISOs, CIOs, and business executives. As a result, 62% of organizations plan to increase cybersecurity spending in 2020.2 Here’s the problem: Increasing security budgets alone isn’t enough. CISOs need quick and easy wins that can greatly bolster security efficacy and streamline operations without demanding massive projects and vast resources. There is a lot of work ahead. This white paper concludes.

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Cyberguard Technologies Limited

CyberGuard Technologies provides the very best in IT security for businesses across the UK looking for premium IT performance in a protected, secure environment. A cyber defence solution from CyberGuard will protect your business – your money, your identity, your data and your customers’ confidential information - from the potential devastation of an attack from cyber criminals.
