Data Security, Enterprise Identity, Enterprise Security

Adobe Primetime Advertising Security Overview

December 30, 2022

Adobe Primetime Advertising Security Overview
At Adobe®, we take the security of your digital experience and assets seriously. Security practices are integrated into our internal software development processes, operations, and tools. Our cross-functional incident response teams are proactive and nimble in preventing, detecting, and responding to incidents. Furthermore, our collaborative work with partners, leading researchers, and other industry organizations helps us stay updated with the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and security best practices; thereby enabling us to continually build security into the products and services we offer and regularly incorporate advanced security techniques into our product and service offerings.



Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and offices around the world. A lot has changed since the first Google search engine appeared. But some things haven’t changed: our dedication to our users and our belief in the possibilities of the Internet itself.

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Cyber security considerations 2022

whitePaper | September 12, 2022

The threat landscape is expanding. Cybercriminals are as entrepreneurial as ever and using increasingly sophisticated tools and technologies. In this fluid environment, we believe Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) and their teams should adopt a mindset of enablement — cyber security is no longer just about prevention.

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Recommended Criteria for Cybersecurity Labeling of Consumer Software

whitePaper | February 4, 2022

Software is an integral part of life for the modern consumer. Nevertheless, most consumers take for granted and are unaware of the software upon which many products and services rely. From the consumer’s perspective, the very notion of what constitutes software may even be unclear. While enabling many benefits to consumers, that software that is, software normally used for personal, family, or household purposes can also have cybersecurity flaws or vulnerabilities which can directly affect safety, property, and productivity.

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DeltaV SIS™ and Cybersecurity

whitePaper | November 28, 2019

Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are designed to keep processes safe, especially during critical situations. With this concept in mind, it is paramount that the SIS components are not taken down due to cyber-threats. The purpose of this white paper is to explain, in detail, the Emerson approach for cybersecurity as well as the built-in security features available within the DeltaV SIS process safety system.

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Log More to Improve Visibility and Enhance Security

whitePaper | September 29, 2022

As the amount of system log data grows exponentially, security teams and threat hunters routinely must limit how much they can collect and how long they can store it because of the performance limitations and costs associated with traditional log management tools.

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HackerPowered Security Report 2022 By HackerOne

whitePaper | March 14, 2023

Security automation cannot replace the creativity of humans. In fact, 92% of ethical hackers say they can find vulnerabilities scanners can’t. For the past six years, we’ve been surveying hackers to learn more about how they see the evolving security testing industry. We combine these insights with the world’s largest dataset of vulnerabilities to identify trends that inform our customers how to build an impactful security strategy.

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AI Security White Paper

whitePaper | January 23, 2020

With the accumulation of big data, dramatic improvements in computing power, and continuous innovation in Machine Learning (ML) methods, Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as image recognition, voice recognition, and natural language processing have become ubiquitous. Meanwhile, AI poses a significant impact on computer security: on the one hand, AI can be used to build defensive systems such as malware and network attack detection; on the other hand, AI might be exploited to launch more effective attacks.

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Google’s mission is to organize the world‘s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Since our founding in 1998, Google has grown by leaps and bounds. From offering search in a single language we now offer dozens of products and services—including various forms of advertising and web applications for all kinds of tasks—in scores of languages. And starting from two computer science students in a university dorm room, we now have thousands of employees and offices around the world. A lot has changed since the first Google search engine appeared. But some things haven’t changed: our dedication to our users and our belief in the possibilities of the Internet itself.
