May 21, 2021

Critical infrastructure owners and operators have managed
industrial risk for hundreds of years. This risk is usually
measured in impact to health, safety, and reliability. As these
industrial systems become increasingly digitized, so does
the risk. What were once seen as isolated, manual processes
have become reliant on communication networks and digital



G2 Ops is a Woman-Owned Small Business and a preferred provider of analytical and innovative solutions in the following areas: Model-Based Systems Engineering. Cybersecurity Requirements, Analysis, and Threat Assessment. Energy Facility Security Planning & Threat Evaluation. Shipboard Network Communications and Security Systems Design & Installation. Energy Sector Security Solutions. Education Consulting. Strategic vision: G2 Ops helps companies stay ahead of cyber crime and IT threats by identifying and measuring weaknesses before incidents occur, then providing remediation priorities based on individual business and financial risk thresholds.

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Ransomware Data Recovery Architectures

whitePaper | September 26, 2022

Ransomware attacks have been on the rise in recent years. They are extremely insidious in nature and have been foremost in many CEOs’ and CIOs’ minds lately. Ransomware is malware that prevents an enterprise from accessing and using its data, usually by encrypting the data in an inconspicuous manner so the victim does not know the attack is occurring.

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Webex App Security Cloud Collaboration Security Technical Paper

whitePaper | November 24, 2022

Webex is a cloud collaboration platform that provides messaging, calling, and meeting features. The Webex App is a client application that connects to this platform and provides a comprehensive tool for teamwork. Users can send messages, share files, make calls, and meet with different teams, all in one place. This security technical paper provides an overview of the security features of Webex App running on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, ChromeOS, and Web.

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Sharkgate Whitepaper

whitePaper | December 11, 2019

SharkGate specializes in protecting websites and has geared up to build the next-generation of website cyber protection: SharkGate is creating the World’s first distributed ledger powered Cyber Security solution designed exclusively to protect websites against hackers. SharkGate is taking a new approach that will change website security as the industry knows it and make the next-generation of cyber protection available to all websites worldwide.

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Aerospace cybersecuirty- Bringing a zero-trust approach to aviation product network design

whitePaper | May 18, 2022

Modern aerospace products are moving into containerization and micro-services. Mounting connected internal micro-services patterns in a product segregates and segments the network to support a zero-trust network security approach. Having weak internal network security of the product allows malicious actors to exploit them and elevate privileges — denying users access, jamming signals, or even shutting them down. Such interference could cause major harm to aircraft safety and operations.

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The State of Ransomware 2022

whitePaper | April 20, 2022

Sophos' annual study of the real-world ransomware experiences of IT professionals working at the frontline has revealed an ever more challenging attack environment together with the growing financial and operational burden ransomware places on its victims. It also shines new light on the relationship between ransomware and cyber insurance, and the role insurance is playing in driving changes to cyber defenses.

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XDR vs. SIEM: A Cybersecurity Leader’s Guide

whitePaper | December 27, 2022

As threats intensify and SecOps teams are called upon to defend digital environments that keep growing in size and complexity, and with a defensible perimeter that has all but disappeared, cybersecurity vendors are responding with a new generation of software and service solutions.

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G2 Ops is a Woman-Owned Small Business and a preferred provider of analytical and innovative solutions in the following areas: Model-Based Systems Engineering. Cybersecurity Requirements, Analysis, and Threat Assessment. Energy Facility Security Planning & Threat Evaluation. Shipboard Network Communications and Security Systems Design & Installation. Energy Sector Security Solutions. Education Consulting. Strategic vision: G2 Ops helps companies stay ahead of cyber crime and IT threats by identifying and measuring weaknesses before incidents occur, then providing remediation priorities based on individual business and financial risk thresholds.
