Data Security, Enterprise Identity, Enterprise Security

The Ransomware Threat

December 22, 2022

The Ransomware Threat
Ransomware continues to be among the most critical risks facing organizations of all sizes. Attackers have perfected techniques and business models that will pose a challenge to even the best prepared organizations.

While the encryption of a high volume of computers on a network can potentially be mitigated by adequate backups, ransomware actors have discovered new avenues of extortion, such as threatening to release data stolen prior to encryption. While ransomware attacks are time consuming to perform, ransomware actors have managed to achieve scale through the introduction of “ransomware-as-a-service” operations, renting out their tools and infrastructure to other attackers in exchange for a cut of the profits.


Corporate Technologies

For over 20 years CTI has provided critical data analytics, data protection and cyber security solutions essential for the complex business of leveraging IT innovation while reducing risk. Life Sciences, Health Care, Financial Services, Retail and Higher Education organizations from 50 to 50,000 employees depend on CTI for industry expertise, solutions, leadership, and managed services.

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Recommended Criteria for Cybersecurity Labeling of Consumer Software

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Software is an integral part of life for the modern consumer. Nevertheless, most consumers take for granted and are unaware of the software upon which many products and services rely. From the consumer’s perspective, the very notion of what constitutes software may even be unclear. While enabling many benefits to consumers, that software that is, software normally used for personal, family, or household purposes can also have cybersecurity flaws or vulnerabilities which can directly affect safety, property, and productivity.

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Security Whitepaper 2023

whitePaper | July 18, 2023

Statype asks a lot from our customers: we ingest sensitive financial, performance, and customer information to generate deep insights. Our customers trust us to get this right because security is a core tenant of everything we build, and we prioritize getting security right

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Scenarios for the Future of Cybercrime - White Paper for Decision Makers

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Project 2020 is an initiative of the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA). Its aim is to anticipate the future of cybercrime, enabling governments, businesses and citizens to prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities of the coming decade. It comprises a range of activities, including common threat reporting, scenario exercises, policy guidance and capacity building.

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Ransomware Data Recovery Architectures

whitePaper | September 26, 2022

Ransomware attacks have been on the rise in recent years. They are extremely insidious in nature and have been foremost in many CEOs’ and CIOs’ minds lately. Ransomware is malware that prevents an enterprise from accessing and using its data, usually by encrypting the data in an inconspicuous manner so the victim does not know the attack is occurring.

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The State of Ransomware 2022

whitePaper | April 20, 2022

Sophos' annual study of the real-world ransomware experiences of IT professionals working at the frontline has revealed an ever more challenging attack environment together with the growing financial and operational burden ransomware places on its victims. It also shines new light on the relationship between ransomware and cyber insurance, and the role insurance is playing in driving changes to cyber defenses.

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Pulumi Cloud Security Whitepaper

whitePaper | October 24, 2022

Pulumi is a venture-backed cloud computing company in Seattle, WA, founded by industry veterans with decades of experience creating and operating Enterprise software at companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google. Pulumi’s user base includes companies of all shapes and sizes, including ISVs, SIs, and Fortune 500s.

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Corporate Technologies

For over 20 years CTI has provided critical data analytics, data protection and cyber security solutions essential for the complex business of leveraging IT innovation while reducing risk. Life Sciences, Health Care, Financial Services, Retail and Higher Education organizations from 50 to 50,000 employees depend on CTI for industry expertise, solutions, leadership, and managed services.
