CyberSecurity International Symposium

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and McAfee, cybercrime currently costs the world almost $600 billion each year, or 0.8% of global GDP - up from almost $500 billion in 2014. Research firm Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that the global cost of cybercrime will grow from $3 trillion in 2015 to $6 trillion annually by 2021, which includes damage and destruction of data, stolen money, lost property, intellectual property theft, and other areas. As Ginni Rometty, IBM Corp.'s Chairman, President and CEO observed, "Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every profession, every industry, every company in the world.



CyberSmart 2024: Cybersecurity Faces a Rapidly Changing Landscape

January 25, 2024 | USA

Cybersecurity has always contended with evolving threats. As the internet has become more embedded into social and economic life and smart phones, tablets and other handheld devices become ubiquitous, bad actors have devised new attacks to capitalize on new vulnerabilities. And just as agencies are implementing zero trust architecture to help with this wave, other IT developments are threatening to upend cybersecurity even more. For instance, artificial intelligence is being incorporated into software, even as elected officials and regulatory agencies are trying to develop new rules of the road for its use. At the same time, historically-offline operations technology is beginning to be integrated with IT systems, opening up the OT to attacks that previously weren’t feasible.

Benelux Cyber Summit

November 14-15, 2023 | Netherlands

The Benelux Cyber Summit is returning to Amsterdam on 14-15 November 2023! Over 2 days, we will be exploring the most important recent trends in the region’s cyber security, with the ultimate aim of protecting our organisations from malicious actors and cyber threats.

Cybersecurity Expo

April 25, 2024 | UK

The Cybersecurity Expo aims at individuals looking for a career in cybersecurity and companies aiming to recruit professionals in the field. It offers a unique opportunity for attendees to interact with potential employers, learn about the latest trends and demands in cybersecurity careers, and explore a range of exhibitors and sponsors from well-known companies in the industry. Both industry aspirants and leading agencies and companies in the field of cybersecurity greatly benefit from the event.

West IT & Security Leaders Forum 2023

December 10-12, 2023 | USA

By bringing together the top 80 Executives in the region, we will discuss the most pressing Technology and Leadership challenges we face in an ever-evolving corporate landscape. Over the next two and a half days, we will nurture meaningful relationships and tackle the challenges inherent to IT in a smaller, more dynamic setting. You will learn from your peers through various workshops, panels, roundtables and presentations. Our closed-door policy fosters an environment where all discussions are confined within the Forum walls, enabling more genuine and engaged conversations.