Q&A with Alastair Speare-Cole, President of Insurance at QOMPLX

Alastair Speare-Cole, President and General Manager of the Insurance Division at QOMPLX, leads the overall strategy for the business unit, the development of QOMPLX’s underwriting-as-a-service platform, the management of the company’s Managing General Agent (MGA), as well as setting the direction for the company’s next-generation insurance decision platform that leverages a wide variety of data and advanced analytics to provide advanced risk and portfolio management solutions. Prior to joining QOMPLX, he served as Chief Underwriting Officer at Qatar, and he served as the CEO of JLT Towers from 2012 to 2015. He was also COO at Aon Re for ten years and has also held board appointments at reinsurance and banking subsidiaries in the United Kingdom.

Over the span of my career, I have seen this industry move from crude and manual deterministic models to stochastic models, SAAS actuarial tools, catastrophe modeling, and entity-level capital modeling.

MEDIA 7: Can you please tell us a little bit about yourself and your professional career?
I have spent much of my career involved in reinsurance where portfolios of risk are analyzed and traded. Over the span of my career, I have seen this industry move from crude and manual deterministic models to stochastic models, SAAS actuarial tools, catastrophe modeling, and entity-level capital modeling. And so, my career has shadowed this trajectory. Especially in the eighties, when I was involved in designing and building some of the early models.

M7: QOMPLX has recently partnered with COMBUS. What does this partnership bring to the table?
I have long been a fan of COMBUS and Will Gardner, whom I have worked with in the past. The insurance industry has become reliant on too few dominant models. Models as we have seen in recent months over COVID-19 approximate reality but are always just that, an approximation. And it should be no surprise that their limitations show differences between what is predicted and what actually happens. One strategy to combat this is to have multiple ways of modeling the same thing. The insight gained from different views is key to developing a better understanding. The success of COMBUS and other independent modeling companies is vital to creating a diversity of views and our aim is to try to make them more easily accessible and integrable into insurers’ and reinsurers’ platforms.

Models as we have seen in recent months over COVID-19 approximate reality but are always just that, an approximation. And it should be no surprise that their limitations show differences between what is predicted and what actually happens.

M7: How do QOMPLX’s Insurance products help businesses overcome the problems in the insurance value chain?
There has been an arms race going on within the insurance industry around gathering and using data for risk selection, risk pricing, and getting clients through the front door. Everyone wants faster insight and the ability to make faster decisions. Our concept is to provide people with a Lego kit of enterprise-grade software that will help them link everything together- from ingestion, organization, storage, and analysis for structured and unstructured data, co-integrated with insurance-specific workflow solutions built on a common underlying data fabric to delivering an edge in decision making, risk selection, and loss control.

M7: What are some of the challenges in risk management in the post-COVID-19 era?
Business interruption has been an increasing concern for all risk managers, not just those who worry about the ‘just-in-time’ process and supply chain. COVID-19 has demonstrated that the business interruption coverage offered by insurers is often poorly constructed, not tailored to a world where intangible assets are as valuable as tangible and where there are some risks that are so systemic that only governments can cope with the accumulation of tail risk.

There has been an arms race going on within the insurance industry around gathering and using data for risk selection, risk pricing, and getting clients through the front door. Everyone wants faster insight and the ability to make faster decisions.

M7: What do you see as the future of InsurTech? How is QOMPLX contributing to its growth?
There is a huge wave of investment in InsurTech. Whilst the ideas these startups encapsulate may inspire permanent evolution of insurance, as individual businesses many will fail. Tackling a small slice on an insured’s risk, however originally done, is not going to work if the results in insured having to buy dozens of niche products that still leave gaps. Insurers will not continue to support InsurTechs that cannot build scale and scaling means distribution which is expensive. And most InsurTechs like to build their own software when they could adapt off-the-shelf products. And this means that much of their seed money goes on this which is inessential, rather than distribution which is crucial. We are looking hard at ways of working with other partners to allow people who have a great idea to take it to market, rather than trying to build a standalone business which may saddle the idea with costs that it cannot afford.

M7: What is the best advice you’ve received?
I think it is encapsulated by Kipling’s poem “If.”


QOMPLX helps organizations make intelligent business decisions and better manage risk through our advanced, proprietary risk cloud. We are the leaders at rapidly ingesting, transforming, and contextualizing large, complex, and disparate data sources through our cloud-native data factory in order to help organizations better quantify, model, and predict risk. Our specialized experts and technology solutions in cybersecurity, insurance, and finance power leading global corporations and mission-critical public sector agencies.


Q&A with Matt Amundson, VP of Marketing at Everstring

MEDIA 7 | November 14, 2019

Matt Amundson, VP of Marketing at EverString has over 10 years of sales and marketing experience. Matt has held roles in Demand Generation and Sales Development at TIBCO, Marketo, FGXI and Red Bull. His primary focus has been on creating processes that generate a consistent, pipeline. MEDIA 7: Could you tell us about your mantra “Go for the run”? MATT AMUNDSON: On December 29th of 2017, I decided to change my lifestyle habits and decided that I’m going to run a minimum of one mile every single day. So, every day since that day I’ve got up and ran. It’s been a seminal moment where my approach on life and work has changed dramatically. And as a result of that, it’s become a personal mantra, which is to not be afraid of where you might be today. If you’ve got some lofty goals or if you want to try something new, just get out there and give it a try and see what the results of it could be. On a personal level, whether you’re physically tired or don’t feel like doing it, just give it a shot and go for it. On a professional level, if it’s something that can benefit you or your brand give it a try, go for it and see what happens. M7: What is your favorite part about working at EverString? MA: I really love the people that I work with and I’ve been at the organization for about four and a half years. Some of the folks that I’ve worked with since the beginning are still here and it’s just been an awesome journey to be on with some incredible colleagues and that’s just on a personal level. On a professional level, I think we’re all solving a major problem that a lot of organizations are suffering from – which is related to data. As a marketer who has existed in the mar tech space for the broader part of my career, we often think of our process improvements and workflow improvements to gain more efficiency. Whether that’s marketing automation system or a cool new technology like conversational AI most people fall into two camps when it comes to data, either they’re just not conscious of data or they are. The data that they purchase or the data they acquire ultimately powers everything they do from a marketing perspective or they’re used to the status quo of current data providers that provide low quality of data and are sort of mired in the “well I guess that’s the way it is and that’s just the quality level that I have to deal with”. The fact that we’re changing that for some of the world’s biggest brands like Capital One, FedEx, Staples, Autodesk, Oracle as well as the smaller brands is really exciting to me. ...

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'Data is the answer to a more effective digital transformation,' says SonicWall's Diane Walker

Media 7 | November 23, 2021

In this interview with Diane Walker, Senior Director of Demand Generation at SonicWall, we had the opportunity to peek into SonicWall's latest high-performance firewall models that are aimed to combat the unprecedented surge of malware and ransomware resulting from a rise in remote and hybrid workforces across enterprises. She shared meaningful insights into SonicWall's vision of cybersecurity, and how modern-day marketers need to reflect on the different levels of the digital buyer journey. Read on to discover effective approaches towards marketing to drive business growth....

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Q&A with Div Manickam, Director of WW Services Marketing and Portfolio Management (Data Center Group) at Lenovo

Media 7 | March 24, 2021

Div Manickam, Director of WW Services Marketing and Portfolio Management (Data Center Group) at Lenovo, has led B2B SaaS initiatives in startups and Fortune 500 technology companies for 10+ years. With disciplined product marketing across the buyer journey and cross-functional relationships, she empowers mindful teams and fosters a vulnerable culture where everyone's voice is heard.  She enjoys sharing her experiences on authentic leadership and evolution of product marketing in Forbes Communications Council and Product Marketing Alliance. Just as committed and passionate, she enjoys traveling, is a foodie at heart, and a proud Google Local Guide exploring the world. And one day, she aspires to share her passion and story on TEDx....

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Q&A with Matt Amundson, VP of Marketing at Everstring

MEDIA 7 | November 14, 2019

Matt Amundson, VP of Marketing at EverString has over 10 years of sales and marketing experience. Matt has held roles in Demand Generation and Sales Development at TIBCO, Marketo, FGXI and Red Bull. His primary focus has been on creating processes that generate a consistent, pipeline. MEDIA 7: Could you tell us about your mantra “Go for the run”? MATT AMUNDSON: On December 29th of 2017, I decided to change my lifestyle habits and decided that I’m going to run a minimum of one mile every single day. So, every day since that day I’ve got up and ran. It’s been a seminal moment where my approach on life and work has changed dramatically. And as a result of that, it’s become a personal mantra, which is to not be afraid of where you might be today. If you’ve got some lofty goals or if you want to try something new, just get out there and give it a try and see what the results of it could be. On a personal level, whether you’re physically tired or don’t feel like doing it, just give it a shot and go for it. On a professional level, if it’s something that can benefit you or your brand give it a try, go for it and see what happens. M7: What is your favorite part about working at EverString? MA: I really love the people that I work with and I’ve been at the organization for about four and a half years. Some of the folks that I’ve worked with since the beginning are still here and it’s just been an awesome journey to be on with some incredible colleagues and that’s just on a personal level. On a professional level, I think we’re all solving a major problem that a lot of organizations are suffering from – which is related to data. As a marketer who has existed in the mar tech space for the broader part of my career, we often think of our process improvements and workflow improvements to gain more efficiency. Whether that’s marketing automation system or a cool new technology like conversational AI most people fall into two camps when it comes to data, either they’re just not conscious of data or they are. The data that they purchase or the data they acquire ultimately powers everything they do from a marketing perspective or they’re used to the status quo of current data providers that provide low quality of data and are sort of mired in the “well I guess that’s the way it is and that’s just the quality level that I have to deal with”. The fact that we’re changing that for some of the world’s biggest brands like Capital One, FedEx, Staples, Autodesk, Oracle as well as the smaller brands is really exciting to me. ...

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'Data is the answer to a more effective digital transformation,' says SonicWall's Diane Walker

Media 7 | November 23, 2021

In this interview with Diane Walker, Senior Director of Demand Generation at SonicWall, we had the opportunity to peek into SonicWall's latest high-performance firewall models that are aimed to combat the unprecedented surge of malware and ransomware resulting from a rise in remote and hybrid workforces across enterprises. She shared meaningful insights into SonicWall's vision of cybersecurity, and how modern-day marketers need to reflect on the different levels of the digital buyer journey. Read on to discover effective approaches towards marketing to drive business growth....

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Q&A with Div Manickam, Director of WW Services Marketing and Portfolio Management (Data Center Group) at Lenovo

Media 7 | March 24, 2021

Div Manickam, Director of WW Services Marketing and Portfolio Management (Data Center Group) at Lenovo, has led B2B SaaS initiatives in startups and Fortune 500 technology companies for 10+ years. With disciplined product marketing across the buyer journey and cross-functional relationships, she empowers mindful teams and fosters a vulnerable culture where everyone's voice is heard.  She enjoys sharing her experiences on authentic leadership and evolution of product marketing in Forbes Communications Council and Product Marketing Alliance. Just as committed and passionate, she enjoys traveling, is a foodie at heart, and a proud Google Local Guide exploring the world. And one day, she aspires to share her passion and story on TEDx....

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API Security

Cequence and Vercara Partner to Combat Cyber Threats and Revolutionize API Security

Cequence Security | January 25, 2024

Cequence Security is proud to announce a new partnership with Vercara, a leading provider of cloud-based services that secure the online experience. This collaboration aims to fortify the cybersecurity landscape by pairing Vercara’s network and application protections with Cequence Security's innovative Unified API Protection (UAP) platform. Security teams encounter substantial hurdles in safeguarding API applications from cyber-attacks, including the rapid development and deployment of API applications across diverse cloud providers. The unmanaged and unprotected nature of these APIs can harbor critical vulnerabilities, making them susceptible to exploitation. Moreover, the lack of a clear and consistent security posture across the application footprint introduces further complexities. To address these challenges, Cequence Security's UAP platform provides a comprehensive discovery of the entire API attack surface, encompassing both external and internal APIs. It ensures compliance with security and governance best practices, eliminating unknown and unmitigated API security risks. Furthermore, the solution offers native real-time inline protection, blocking API attacks before they reach applications. "The absence of API protection puts you at risk of potential theft, fraud, non-compliance, and business disruptions,” said Carlos Morales, SVP Solutions at Vercara. “Our partnership with Cequence combines our collective best-in-class services to address the evolving demands of the cybersecurity landscape, ensuring that businesses can confidently deploy needed applications and successfully navigate the complexities of API security with advanced, holistic protection.” Arun Gowda, VP, Business Development at Cequence Security, said, “In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the extensive risk of data compromise in API breaches goes beyond external APIs to internal ones. These often-overlooked internal APIs can access sensitive data not intended for public exposure. APIs have changed the game for attackers, making it imperative to prioritize the security of all assets accessible through APIs, including those not expected to be publicly exposed.” He added, “We are pleased to combine our innovative API security solutions with Vercara's innovative WAF and DDoS services to deliver advanced, holistic API protection. This collaboration reinforces our commitment to provide unparalleled security measures for businesses reliant on APIs.” Cequence Security's UAP platform is unparalleled in addressing all phases of the API security lifecycle. It provides: Discovery: A continuous API attack surface discovery management product that assesses your application footprint, offering a complete inventory of external APIs. Compliance: A security posture management product that identifies security risks in APIs, ensuring compliance with specifications, security test requirements, and governance best practices. Protection: Detects and prevents sophisticated automated API attacks and business logic abuse using advanced machine learning rules, providing real-time protection without relying on third-party components. About Cequence Security Cequence, a pioneer in API security and bot management, is the only solution that delivers Unified API Protection (UAP), uniting discovery, compliance, and protection across all internal and external APIs to defend against attacks, targeted abuse, and fraud. Requiring less than 15 minutes to onboard an API without requiring any instrumentation, SDK, or JavaScript integration, the flexible deployment model supports SaaS, on-premises, and hybrid installations. Cequence solutions scale to handle the most demanding Fortune and Global 2000 organizations, securing more than 8 billion daily API calls and protecting more than 3 billion user accounts across these customers. To learn more, visit www.cequence.ai. About Vercara Vercara is a purpose-built, global, cloud-based security platform that provides layers of protection to safeguard businesses’ online presence, no matter where attacks originate or where they are aimed. Delivering the industry’s highest-performing solutions and supported by unparalleled 24/7 human expertise and hands-on guidance, top global brands depend on Vercara to protect their networks and applications against threats and downtime. Vercara’s suite of cloud-based services is secure, reliable, and available, delivering peace of mind and ensuring that businesses and their customers experience exceptional interactions all day, every day. Pressure-tested in the world’s most tightly regulated and high-traffic verticals, Vercara’s mission-critical security portfolio provides best-in-class DNS and application and network security (including DDoS and WAF) services to its Global 5000 customers and beyond. For more information, visit vercara.com.

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Data Security

GuidePoint Security Announces Portfolio of Data Security Governance Services

GuidePoint Security | January 30, 2024

GuidePoint Security, a cybersecurity solutions leader enabling organizations to make smarter decisions and minimize risk, today announced the availability of its Data Security Governance services, which are designed to help customers address the challenges of unstructured data and data sprawl through a proven process and program to meet their unique needs. GuidePoint’s Data Security Governance services consist of policies, standards, and processes leveraging the newest technologies to meet organizations’ data governance goals in both on-prem and cloud environments. Once the right strategy is determined with the customer, GuidePoint Security consultants will review program requirements, assess current policies and controls, perform gap analysis, design and develop/enhance the program, recommend and implement supporting technologies, and create operational processes and metrics. “Whether an organization is just beginning to build their data security governance program or needs help assessing and improving an existing program, our team and service capabilities are built to meet them at their current maturity level,” said Scott Griswold, Practice Director - Security Governance Services, GuidePoint Security. “We work side by side with the customer to conduct the necessary data discovery in their environment and provide tailored recommendations for solutions and processes to ultimately build/improve upon the data security governance program.” GuidePoint’s Data Security Governance Services include: Sensitive Data Cataloging: For organizations just getting started in the process of protecting their sensitive data, GuidePoint offers Data Identification workshops to identify sensitive data types in the environment, including trade secrets, intellectual property, and sensitive business communications. Data Security Governance Program Assessment: For organizations with existing Data Security Governance or Data Protection programs, GuidePoint Security experts will assess the program to identify policy non-compliance, gaps in data protection requirements—whether legal, regulatory, contractual, or business—and program maturity levels. Data Security Governance Program Strategy Development: The GuidePoint team will work with an organization's key stakeholders to design a program strategy aligned with relevant requirements. The outputs of this effort include delivering ongoing sensitive data discovery, automated classification and labeling, the application of required sensitive data protections, restrictions on where sensitive data can be stored and sent, and data retention policy enforcement. Merger and Acquisition Data Identification: This offering provides the ability to identify sensitive data within an M&A target or recent acquisition (including locations, amounts, and access rights) and then perform penetration testing on the storage repositories where that sensitive data exists to determine the risk of data compromise. About GuidePoint Security GuidePoint Security provides trusted cybersecurity expertise, solutions and services that help organizations make better decisions that minimize risk. Our experts act as your trusted advisor to understand your business and challenges, helping you through an evaluation of your cybersecurity posture and ecosystem to expose risks, optimize resources and implement best-fit solutions. GuidePoint’s unmatched expertise has enabled a third of Fortune 500 companies and more than half of the U.S. government cabinet-level agencies to improve their security posture and reduce risk. Learn more at www.guidepointsecurity.com.

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End Point Protection

Malwarebytes Unveils New K-12 ThreatDown Bundle to Defend Schools and Districts from Cyberattacks

Malwarebytes | January 24, 2024

Malwarebytes, a global leader in real-time cyber protection, today announced the availability of ThreatDown K-12 Bundle, combining the cybersecurity technologies and services that K-12 education institutions need into a streamlined, cost-effective bundle. Purpose-built to reduce risk, complexity and costs for districts and schools, the ThreatDown K-12 Bundle delivers unified protection with an intuitive, easy-to-manage design. The ThreatDown K-12 Bundle allows schools to optimize device uptime and improve productivity, while protecting students and staff, devices and data from the latest cyber threats. "Schools are increasingly facing cyber threats with limited IT resources, leading to a rise in ransomware attacks that affect staff, teaching, and student well-being," said Marcin Kleczynski, Founder and CEO of Malwarebytes. "Historically, cost barriers prevented schools from adopting cybersecurity managed services. Our K-12 Bundle packages together everything districts need to reduce risk and comply with regulations within a manageable budget. We're committed to making powerful protection and managed services accessible to vulnerable schools and students." Bridging the Cybersecurity Gap for Resource-constrained K-12 IT Teams Modern K-12 educational institutions have a wide range of school-, staff- and student-owned devices – from traditional laptops, desktops and servers to Chromebooks, iPadOS, iOS, and Android devices. While these devices greatly enrich the student learning experience and streamline operations for staff, they also introduce new risks. Key features of the ThreatDown K-12 Bundle include: Award-winning endpoint security: K-12 Bundle is built on ThreatDown's strongest AI/ML-driven prevention, detection and response technologies fortified by built-in innovations to reduce the attack surface. These technologies simplify the process of finding and patching software vulnerabilities and prevent unauthorized programs from executing. 24x7x365 managed services: The K-12 Bundle combines ThreatDown advanced technologies with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service of ThreatDown cybersecurity experts to manage security and resolve alerts around the clock, delivered as an affordable, hassle-free bundle. Unified endpoint management: ThreatDown extends powerful endpoint protection across workstations, servers and mobile device to substantially strengthen schools' cybersecurity postures in compliance with new and pending regulations. Quick and easy to deploy, the K-12 Bundle saves time and resources with unified endpoint management for both traditional and mobile devices – all from a single, cloud-native console. Centralized, real-time visibility: K-12 IT teams can easily view activity across all devices in real time. With a unified platform and visibility for traditional and mobile endpoints, teams can monitor and protect devices from a single pane of glass. Teams can understand the threats to devices in their environments and mitigate potential risks. Advanced mobile protection: ThreatDown K-12 Bundle provides effective protection for Chromebooks, iPadOS, iOS, and Android devices, guarding against the latest mobile threats such as ransomware, malicious apps, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). With real-time protection, schools can also prevent accidental access to harmful websites, safeguard against malicious apps, block unwanted in-app ads, and enable a secure mobile experience for students. About Malwarebytes Malwarebytes is a global cybersecurity leader delivering award-winning endpoint protection, privacy and threat prevention solutions worldwide. Built on decades of experience as the last resort to find and eradicate the latest malware, Malwarebytes is now trusted by millions of individuals and organizations to stop threats at each stage of the attack lifecycle, secure digital identities and safeguard data and privacy. A world class team of threat researchers and proprietary AI-powered engines provide unmatched threat intelligence to detect and prevent known and unknown threats. The company is headquartered in California with offices in Europe and Asia. For more information and career opportunities, visit https://www.malwarebytes.com.

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API Security

Cequence and Vercara Partner to Combat Cyber Threats and Revolutionize API Security

Cequence Security | January 25, 2024

Cequence Security is proud to announce a new partnership with Vercara, a leading provider of cloud-based services that secure the online experience. This collaboration aims to fortify the cybersecurity landscape by pairing Vercara’s network and application protections with Cequence Security's innovative Unified API Protection (UAP) platform. Security teams encounter substantial hurdles in safeguarding API applications from cyber-attacks, including the rapid development and deployment of API applications across diverse cloud providers. The unmanaged and unprotected nature of these APIs can harbor critical vulnerabilities, making them susceptible to exploitation. Moreover, the lack of a clear and consistent security posture across the application footprint introduces further complexities. To address these challenges, Cequence Security's UAP platform provides a comprehensive discovery of the entire API attack surface, encompassing both external and internal APIs. It ensures compliance with security and governance best practices, eliminating unknown and unmitigated API security risks. Furthermore, the solution offers native real-time inline protection, blocking API attacks before they reach applications. "The absence of API protection puts you at risk of potential theft, fraud, non-compliance, and business disruptions,” said Carlos Morales, SVP Solutions at Vercara. “Our partnership with Cequence combines our collective best-in-class services to address the evolving demands of the cybersecurity landscape, ensuring that businesses can confidently deploy needed applications and successfully navigate the complexities of API security with advanced, holistic protection.” Arun Gowda, VP, Business Development at Cequence Security, said, “In the evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the extensive risk of data compromise in API breaches goes beyond external APIs to internal ones. These often-overlooked internal APIs can access sensitive data not intended for public exposure. APIs have changed the game for attackers, making it imperative to prioritize the security of all assets accessible through APIs, including those not expected to be publicly exposed.” He added, “We are pleased to combine our innovative API security solutions with Vercara's innovative WAF and DDoS services to deliver advanced, holistic API protection. This collaboration reinforces our commitment to provide unparalleled security measures for businesses reliant on APIs.” Cequence Security's UAP platform is unparalleled in addressing all phases of the API security lifecycle. It provides: Discovery: A continuous API attack surface discovery management product that assesses your application footprint, offering a complete inventory of external APIs. Compliance: A security posture management product that identifies security risks in APIs, ensuring compliance with specifications, security test requirements, and governance best practices. Protection: Detects and prevents sophisticated automated API attacks and business logic abuse using advanced machine learning rules, providing real-time protection without relying on third-party components. About Cequence Security Cequence, a pioneer in API security and bot management, is the only solution that delivers Unified API Protection (UAP), uniting discovery, compliance, and protection across all internal and external APIs to defend against attacks, targeted abuse, and fraud. Requiring less than 15 minutes to onboard an API without requiring any instrumentation, SDK, or JavaScript integration, the flexible deployment model supports SaaS, on-premises, and hybrid installations. Cequence solutions scale to handle the most demanding Fortune and Global 2000 organizations, securing more than 8 billion daily API calls and protecting more than 3 billion user accounts across these customers. To learn more, visit www.cequence.ai. About Vercara Vercara is a purpose-built, global, cloud-based security platform that provides layers of protection to safeguard businesses’ online presence, no matter where attacks originate or where they are aimed. Delivering the industry’s highest-performing solutions and supported by unparalleled 24/7 human expertise and hands-on guidance, top global brands depend on Vercara to protect their networks and applications against threats and downtime. Vercara’s suite of cloud-based services is secure, reliable, and available, delivering peace of mind and ensuring that businesses and their customers experience exceptional interactions all day, every day. Pressure-tested in the world’s most tightly regulated and high-traffic verticals, Vercara’s mission-critical security portfolio provides best-in-class DNS and application and network security (including DDoS and WAF) services to its Global 5000 customers and beyond. For more information, visit vercara.com.

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Data Security

GuidePoint Security Announces Portfolio of Data Security Governance Services

GuidePoint Security | January 30, 2024

GuidePoint Security, a cybersecurity solutions leader enabling organizations to make smarter decisions and minimize risk, today announced the availability of its Data Security Governance services, which are designed to help customers address the challenges of unstructured data and data sprawl through a proven process and program to meet their unique needs. GuidePoint’s Data Security Governance services consist of policies, standards, and processes leveraging the newest technologies to meet organizations’ data governance goals in both on-prem and cloud environments. Once the right strategy is determined with the customer, GuidePoint Security consultants will review program requirements, assess current policies and controls, perform gap analysis, design and develop/enhance the program, recommend and implement supporting technologies, and create operational processes and metrics. “Whether an organization is just beginning to build their data security governance program or needs help assessing and improving an existing program, our team and service capabilities are built to meet them at their current maturity level,” said Scott Griswold, Practice Director - Security Governance Services, GuidePoint Security. “We work side by side with the customer to conduct the necessary data discovery in their environment and provide tailored recommendations for solutions and processes to ultimately build/improve upon the data security governance program.” GuidePoint’s Data Security Governance Services include: Sensitive Data Cataloging: For organizations just getting started in the process of protecting their sensitive data, GuidePoint offers Data Identification workshops to identify sensitive data types in the environment, including trade secrets, intellectual property, and sensitive business communications. Data Security Governance Program Assessment: For organizations with existing Data Security Governance or Data Protection programs, GuidePoint Security experts will assess the program to identify policy non-compliance, gaps in data protection requirements—whether legal, regulatory, contractual, or business—and program maturity levels. Data Security Governance Program Strategy Development: The GuidePoint team will work with an organization's key stakeholders to design a program strategy aligned with relevant requirements. The outputs of this effort include delivering ongoing sensitive data discovery, automated classification and labeling, the application of required sensitive data protections, restrictions on where sensitive data can be stored and sent, and data retention policy enforcement. Merger and Acquisition Data Identification: This offering provides the ability to identify sensitive data within an M&A target or recent acquisition (including locations, amounts, and access rights) and then perform penetration testing on the storage repositories where that sensitive data exists to determine the risk of data compromise. About GuidePoint Security GuidePoint Security provides trusted cybersecurity expertise, solutions and services that help organizations make better decisions that minimize risk. Our experts act as your trusted advisor to understand your business and challenges, helping you through an evaluation of your cybersecurity posture and ecosystem to expose risks, optimize resources and implement best-fit solutions. GuidePoint’s unmatched expertise has enabled a third of Fortune 500 companies and more than half of the U.S. government cabinet-level agencies to improve their security posture and reduce risk. Learn more at www.guidepointsecurity.com.

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End Point Protection

Malwarebytes Unveils New K-12 ThreatDown Bundle to Defend Schools and Districts from Cyberattacks

Malwarebytes | January 24, 2024

Malwarebytes, a global leader in real-time cyber protection, today announced the availability of ThreatDown K-12 Bundle, combining the cybersecurity technologies and services that K-12 education institutions need into a streamlined, cost-effective bundle. Purpose-built to reduce risk, complexity and costs for districts and schools, the ThreatDown K-12 Bundle delivers unified protection with an intuitive, easy-to-manage design. The ThreatDown K-12 Bundle allows schools to optimize device uptime and improve productivity, while protecting students and staff, devices and data from the latest cyber threats. "Schools are increasingly facing cyber threats with limited IT resources, leading to a rise in ransomware attacks that affect staff, teaching, and student well-being," said Marcin Kleczynski, Founder and CEO of Malwarebytes. "Historically, cost barriers prevented schools from adopting cybersecurity managed services. Our K-12 Bundle packages together everything districts need to reduce risk and comply with regulations within a manageable budget. We're committed to making powerful protection and managed services accessible to vulnerable schools and students." Bridging the Cybersecurity Gap for Resource-constrained K-12 IT Teams Modern K-12 educational institutions have a wide range of school-, staff- and student-owned devices – from traditional laptops, desktops and servers to Chromebooks, iPadOS, iOS, and Android devices. While these devices greatly enrich the student learning experience and streamline operations for staff, they also introduce new risks. Key features of the ThreatDown K-12 Bundle include: Award-winning endpoint security: K-12 Bundle is built on ThreatDown's strongest AI/ML-driven prevention, detection and response technologies fortified by built-in innovations to reduce the attack surface. These technologies simplify the process of finding and patching software vulnerabilities and prevent unauthorized programs from executing. 24x7x365 managed services: The K-12 Bundle combines ThreatDown advanced technologies with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service of ThreatDown cybersecurity experts to manage security and resolve alerts around the clock, delivered as an affordable, hassle-free bundle. Unified endpoint management: ThreatDown extends powerful endpoint protection across workstations, servers and mobile device to substantially strengthen schools' cybersecurity postures in compliance with new and pending regulations. Quick and easy to deploy, the K-12 Bundle saves time and resources with unified endpoint management for both traditional and mobile devices – all from a single, cloud-native console. Centralized, real-time visibility: K-12 IT teams can easily view activity across all devices in real time. With a unified platform and visibility for traditional and mobile endpoints, teams can monitor and protect devices from a single pane of glass. Teams can understand the threats to devices in their environments and mitigate potential risks. Advanced mobile protection: ThreatDown K-12 Bundle provides effective protection for Chromebooks, iPadOS, iOS, and Android devices, guarding against the latest mobile threats such as ransomware, malicious apps, and potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). With real-time protection, schools can also prevent accidental access to harmful websites, safeguard against malicious apps, block unwanted in-app ads, and enable a secure mobile experience for students. About Malwarebytes Malwarebytes is a global cybersecurity leader delivering award-winning endpoint protection, privacy and threat prevention solutions worldwide. Built on decades of experience as the last resort to find and eradicate the latest malware, Malwarebytes is now trusted by millions of individuals and organizations to stop threats at each stage of the attack lifecycle, secure digital identities and safeguard data and privacy. A world class team of threat researchers and proprietary AI-powered engines provide unmatched threat intelligence to detect and prevent known and unknown threats. The company is headquartered in California with offices in Europe and Asia. For more information and career opportunities, visit https://www.malwarebytes.com.

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