Investigating the Hacker Lifecycle

One of the hottest topics at RSA San Francisco 2019 was the Mitre ATT&CK framework. Along with the Lockheed-Martin Kill Chain, it has become a standard reference model for cybersecurity professionals. Specifically, it is used to describe each stage of an attack. Pen testers, security analysts and Security Operations Center (SOC) professionals must learn how to mature their operations, as well as hone the skills of red team and blue team workers.
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Prioritizing Active Directory Security to Disrupt Ransomware Attack

Attackers are targeting Active Directory in nearly every type of attack, especially ransomware attacks. Unfortunately, organizations struggle with where to begin to secure AD, as well as what should be emphasized. The end result is a weak AD security posture that is easily attacked and exploited by attackers. There is a solution to securing AD to disrupt attackers. By prioritizing the most exploited settings, the attack surface of AD can be dramatically reduced. This approach of securing AD gives every organization a clear starting and ending point to get through a first wave of securing their AD environment.
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If Cybersecurity Professionals were represented by an Emoji, which one would we be?


Two seasoned cybersecurity professionals will discuss the breadth of cybersecurity in today's financial institutions, how this critical defence function operates, and what attributes a cybersecurity professional might need, to be successful in this field. They will also explore some of the recent major cybersecurity incidents from around the globe, and then talk about cybersecurity within HSBC itself.
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Six Inconvenient Truths About Data-Centric Security (And What to Do About Them)

Omnibus healthcare information security

Despite everything you've spent on data-centric security, there still is a security gap that is burgeoning at an alarming rate when it comes to protecting sensitive data. The growing complexity of users outside your organization, methods of sharing information, and the number of devices data reside on are continually changing and expanding. Rethink your data-centric security in 2019 with insights from IDC's Research Analyst, Rob Westervelt. This educational webcast will highlight how to: Leverage and extend the value of the Data-Centric Security solutions that you have in place. Identify and eliminate blind spots with current solutions such as DLP, Data Classification, and Rights Management to optimize your security.
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Managing Threat Detection and Response for Securing AWS

Alert Logic

Security tools alone are not enough as your AWS environment becomes more complex, and the need for comprehensive security – including people, process, and technology – becomes apparent. Cyber threats continue to increase in volume and sophistication, so where do you start when incorporating advanced threat detection and response capabilities into your security strategy? Start here with Ryan Holland, Senior Director, Technology Services Group at Alert Logic and Orlando Scott-Cowley, Principal Evangelist at AWS as they list the top considerations to better protect your AWS workloads and applications.
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