"TGIF, but how do you stop breaches on BYOD devices?"

"If threat prevention is important to you, then it’s imperative to think about how to protect users when they leave the building. Your employees are working in a variety of locations and using their own BYOD devices. How can you make sure that security doesn’t go out the door when your users do?

In this session, we’ll take a look at the threat landscape that the mobile workforce faces, and ways to address the risk using the Palo Alto Networks next-generation security platform. "
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A DNS Security Architecture as SecOps Force Multiplier

The Domain Name System (DNS) is essentially the central nervous system of the internet—everyone needs it to work because without DNS services, digital business would come to a halt. Cybercriminals know this, too, and use DNS services to launch their attacks while they simultaneously attack the DNS services of their targets.
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Fine-Tuning ICS Threat Models to Prioritize Mitigations of the Most Vulnerable Devices


Of course, this cannot be further from the truth: ensuring security and safety of industrial control systems has always been the most important job for OT experts. However, after decades of dealing with unique technologies and regulations and with a traditionally strong focus on human and process safety, securing IT assets was by far not their top priority. As industrial networks are becoming increasingly complex, geographically dispersed and interconnected, however, both impact and probability of numerous cybersecurity risks are growing, and the biggest challenge for CISOs nowadays is no longer how to persuade OT people to take notice, but how to evaluate a vast number of potential threats and to prioritize the actions needed to protect their networks.
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Achieving Improved Cybersecurity Posture Across IT & OT Infrastructures


Device Visibility has become the key to success for security practitioners when it comes to securing an increasingly more dispersed organisation with multiple data centres, distributed campuses and a mobile workforce. Now, smart devices are connecting previously separated IT and OT networks to automate business operations and boost efficiency introducing another layer of complexity. In this webinar, we will look at the concept of why device visibility poses such a challenge for business, what is getting in the way and why OT and IT convergence has added an extra consideration.
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IFAC TAG Webinar on Cyber Security


In today’s digital age, many people have at some point wondered whether their online accounts have been compromised or have been part of a large data breach. Like a lot of the issues that make the news on a regular basis, we can become desensitized to cyber risks, but it is imperative, especially for organizations of all sizes, to be vigilant and educate their employees and stakeholders on proper protocols and procedures for minimizing risk. Accounting professionals are in a unique position to address cybersecurity.
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